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Yekaterina_97 said about Bakugan girls!
except Julie i like all Bakugirls but more i like Runo and Alice ^^ Posted over a year ago
violet2971 commented…
I like all thw girls ^^ Even Julie. She matured a lot by the fourth season (Probably coss she got a fourth season LOL) If I was to hate a girl, it would probably be Mira. Because its liikek xdoes she likew dan or does she like ace? Cos if she likes Dan then she shouldn't have been jealous of Julie looking at Ace. Its like make a decision already. You can't have both! Which is why I don't like MiraxDan. (shrug) over a year ago
Yekaterina_97 said about Dan Kuso
Dannnyyyyy <3 Posted over a year ago
runochan97 commented…
Dan is my husband we are Married now over a year ago