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Vulnavia said about Clint Catalyst
alright, you know the song "Cø††øN" by I†† (eyedoublecross) that was "influenced by Cottonmouth Kisses"? and grrrr, was only avail on cassette wtf i've been waiting for a DL forever ~
Anyway, just discovered this song called "Cottonmouth Kisses (Sweetly Sands)." The musician is from L.A., same place Clint lives, what do you think?!

link Posted over a year ago
Sigrid_Tenebris gave me props for my images
the POX (2011) still? SO worth the props....Down for THE KILL!! Posted over a year ago
SeverinaSeverin gave me props for my images
for some of the stellar content you post Posted over a year ago
Gavin_Gavin gave me props for my images
....more props for you, dear!! (and well-deserved, I must admit!) xo Posted over a year ago
Thee_DDT gave me props for my comments
⧾†⧾ — †o †he darkness!! — ⧾†⧾ Posted over a year ago
Vulnavia commented…
Gavin_Gavin gave me props for my images
Because you, my dear, DELIVER! xo Posted over a year ago
Sigrid_Tenebris gave me props for my comments
for your ~insightful commentary, darkling!! Posted over a year ago
Thee_DDT gave me props for my links
Thanks for contributing to the S4LEM spot, sweetness.....And also? After a boring spat with a clueless internet egomaniac, THANKS MOST OF ALL FOR "GETTING IT." 'Cause wow, when a person doesn't? THAT....That, more than probably anything, I just *don't* get. Like, AT ALL! xo Posted over a year ago
Vulnavia commented…
Umm, no kidding. We've been around far too long to babysit rude brats (kudos to you for exerting the effort to spell shit out for her, nonetheless!) O UM HAI, I THINK I'LL GO TAG HELLA FOTOS OF ~MARILYN MANSON~ WITH MY NAME, B/C THE FACT I EVEN "EXIST" IS LIKE...IMPORTANT. OBVIOUSLY!! ;) Short bus, total snore. xx over a year ago
Gavin_Gavin gave me props for my links
EXCUSE ME, MISS....but it's clear another "prop" has been well-earned!! ENJOY IT Posted over a year ago
Gavin_Gavin gave me props for my answers
What?! How is it that no one's given you "props"? We must change that sad truth....immediately!! xx Posted over a year ago
Vulnavia commented…
aww, it's not that serious. ;) but still...thanks, babes! <3 over a year ago