vAnEsSa eliz

Fanpopping since May 2010

  • Female, 33 years old
  • Favorite TV Show: House, Bones, Psych, Skins, Hustle, Angel, Supernatural, Family guy, The simpsons , Firefly, Chuck
    Favorite Movie: Salt, Knight and Day, Twilight series, Vampires suck
    Favorite Book or Author: all john sanford prey novels, all john grisham novels, all patricia cornwel novels, all robert k tannerbaum novels
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Thelover said about Seeley Booth
Oh My God it actually dosent get better than Seeley Booth i'm tellin ya, he is like like like you know what IDK what xactly what he is like but im sure whatever i was going to say was perfect I Hart SB...... Posted over a year ago
jjbupp commented…
I KNO WAT YA MEAN AND I AGREE 100% over a year ago