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Willow_Cyrus said …
( sits on bed across from you sketching in sketch book looking up at you and back down at sketch book sketching you ) Posted over a year ago
Speed_YJ commented…
*looking through a magazine* over a year ago
Willow_Cyrus commented…
( hands begin to start to burn and goes unconcious ) (( im ending it here cause im really tired so :) ill ttyl and we can continue this rp if you want night )) over a year ago
Speed_YJ commented…
((Kay)) over a year ago
*in the front room, fixing the holo computer* Posted over a year ago
Willow_Cyrus commented…
( i yell from another room) Wally let go! i dont want to talk about this anymore! (teleports and runs into billy knocking him over with me ontop of him) sorry...( mutters as starting bruise forms on my arm with finger marks ) over a year ago
Willow_Cyrus commented…
(( we should continue this later :D )) ( looks down) over a year ago
Speed_YJ commented…
Okay!!! over a year ago
Willow_Cyrus said …
( lays asleep on your bed shivering slightly) Posted over a year ago
Speed_YJ commented…
Oh! *walks slowly to you* What are you doing in here little flower~? over a year ago
ReneYJ gave me props for my images
((Hahahahaha! How funny is it that while I was looking for pic's of my other OC's I found that exact pic that's yours!!! X3 By the way, it's absolutely amazing! Thumbs up all around!)) Posted over a year ago
Speed_YJ commented…
((THANK YOU THANK YOU! XD)) over a year ago