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All of this roleplaying is staged about fifty years later from all of the warrior Clans in the books. Descenants mix and create new Clans, much like the older Clans. As I was saying, BloodClan is a mix of surrendered BloodClan descenants, plus WindClan an ThunderClan descenants. Origionally, the BloodClan descendants stayed together and the WindClan and ThunderClan descendants stayed together, creating FireClan (BloodClan) and HeatherClan (Wind and ThunderClan). --See next post-- Posted over a year ago
Warrior Cats UCreate is basically a role playing game where you get to create your cat and choose to live in one of these four Clans descended from the origional five, then four: IceClan (much like RiverClan), SnakeClan (much like ShadowClan), LeafClan (from a mix of dispersed SkyClan descendants and ThunderClan descendants), and BloodClan (I'll explain in my next post). Posted over a year ago
Hey, Lana here! Tell me what your warrior cat looks like and I'll personally draw you as a warrior cat! Tell me what you look like, and then tell me a name to get your customized cat you can save to your computer! Posted over a year ago