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The main pic is stunning! Posted over a year ago
They are so cute together, too bad they aren't getting much screen time. Annie is a very nice girl, she's my favorite. I also liked character of Naomi she seems to be fun. Guys on the other hand seem to be dull. Caleb is totaly the best. Posted over a year ago
I'm in Caleb and Annie wagon. Absolutely loved the girl who plays Annie, she's beautiful,funny,flirty and I think with Robert she has good chemistry. Looking forward to their romance development. Fingers crossed Robert will stay on this show for long, because lately he's not doing much projects. ={

what are the bad things she did ? Posted over a year ago
canniefan commented…
she slept with her ex (who is way older than her) for money to help her brother pay for rehab over a year ago
I haven't seen any single episode of 90210, can someone please give me short description on what is this show like and who is Annie? Thank you!
I was planning on just watching episodes when Rob appears (as my username speaks I'm addicted to this guy lol), but will I understand his purpose or shows plot without any earlier episodes?
If someone knows when airs episode with Rob's first apeareance, I'll be gratful! Posted over a year ago
sidney_sunny commented…
No, you absolutely don't have to watch any single episode, plot changes with each new one. Annie is best character on the show, most developed,kind,cute and realistic. She's also drama addict so I think their way with Rob (caleb) won't also be all easy. over a year ago
RobHoffmanRocks said about 90210
Can someone tell me when Robert Hoffman is going to appear on this show ? Thanks. Posted over a year ago
LA-SNfan commented…
early march, episode 19, tomorrow will be aired episode 15 :) over a year ago