My Wall

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Hey you guys! *smiles and twirls scythe* Posted over a year ago
CoaxochYJ commented…
*CLings to his leg and sobs* I MISSED YOU! over a year ago
CoaxochYJ commented…
*Crosses swords into an X* over a year ago
Gunfire commented…
*pulls out guns* i am ready fore anyting aslong as i get to shoot somting. over a year ago
((UHGZ I wanna have a huge fight scene but idk if anyone is on...:( )) Posted over a year ago
FangYJ commented…
((I'm here! Barely.)) over a year ago
BladeYJ commented…
*Pokes Ripper* MEOWMEOWMEOW! *laughs and hugglez him* You're a villain right? *laughs more runs around him in circles* ((this comment is pointless but i just felt like posting cos I'm boreD)) over a year ago
CoaxochYJ commented…
((^I cant stop laughing!!!)) over a year ago
* hides* Time to have a little fun.. *smirks* Posted over a year ago
AislingYJ commented…
*looks around listening for sound of voice* Is that a villain I hear? *fistpump* Sweet! over a year ago
ScarletYJ commented…
no problem over a year ago
CoaxochYJ commented…
*Cradles arm and speed walks into room* over a year ago