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Have just watch the "Foreign Singers Special" on KBS Immortal Song. No disrespect to Whitney Huston as I liked her version, but that was all. When Ailee sang "I will always love you", I got emotional. And when she looked at the camera at the end and said "I will always love you", it was like she was saying it to me. I'm sure many male viewers felt the same way. Performance was far, far better than Whitney Huston. Thank you Ailee, for singing, not only that song, but singing all songs. Posted over a year ago
This past week I happen to see Ailee on KBS Michael Bolton Special, my first watching/hearing a Korean show. I was immediately drawn in by her voice, then her looks, finally by her stage performance. She has Beyonnce outclassed my miles, and even though I don't understand Korean, I enjoy hearing her sing. Posted over a year ago
Retreadpilot commented…
"...outclassed by miles...." I have tired to watch every show in which she appears over a year ago
Retreadpilot commented…
Sorry, ".....have tried...". guess my fingers are tired. over a year ago