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ok so i just realized that the last book of this series doesnt come out until my FREAKING SENIOR FREAKING YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the crap kind of LONG TIME is that???????????? so pissed right now. Posted over a year ago
Persephone16 commented…
Same!! over a year ago
bornhuntress commented…
Agh!!!!!! It's not as bad as me!!!!! I'll be in university!!! O_O ...I feel old now... over a year ago
sylviakitty348 commented…
There's gunna be five books, and they come out in the fall, so I'll be.....18 and in freshman year of university D: WHERE HAVE THE YEARS GONE?? O_e over a year ago
big smile
does any body know if they need extras for the movies????? cause i would TOTALLY DIIIIEEE if i could get on that movie
:))))))))))) like literally DIE!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
avatarsbigstfan commented…
But then you wouldn't be able to be in the movie if you died :o over a year ago
Rachl2014 commented…
omg! that is sooo true!! i never thought of that :P over a year ago
Earthling123 commented…
I have stage fright, if I were you I really literally would die, for a different reason lol :) over a year ago
Rachl2014 said …
leonardo dicaprio is hot :) Posted over a year ago
Percy is my boyfriend :) jk haha. Guess what? My name is Rachel and my bestfriends name is Annabeth :) thought that was just a little too awesome for my brain :) also I'm loving how Rick is using weird names :) piper hazel octavius reyna leo and of course! Hannibal :) Posted over a year ago
HecateA commented…
Octavian and Hannibal actually make sense if you look at the history of Rome (and Carthage technically)- but i love it too! over a year ago