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QueenMadonna said about Lady Gaga
Madonna doesn't need lady gaga to get attention,don't fucking act like lady gaga invented music look she's just about to flop she is getting bored she brainwashed you guys she tells you "i was born this way" no she was born stefani with brown hair .Madonna is the Queen .Little monster are so delusional .Madonna's armee is stronger than these little monsters i dare lady gaga to top ray of light NEVER she is not aible to do that XD Posted over a year ago
iandamonfan commented…
Madonna doesn't need Gaga but talks about her anyways, it's a way to get press. Next time you want to share your opinion about Madonna go to the fucking Madonna spot. over a year ago
LOLerz25 commented…
Gawd, you haters need to calm your tits & GTFO~ over a year ago
QueenMadonna commented…
the 2 last comments are idiotic over a year ago