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I can't WAIT until tonight's episode!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
big smile
LisaForde said …
Thanks Posted over a year ago
Kaelity gave me props for my videos
Thanks for adding me, here is a prop for you :) Posted over a year ago
ParamoreFan1228 said about Smallville
I'm so mad! I want to watch "Smallville" but I haven't seen any episodes! I never watched it and now I'm so mad that I didn't watch it! Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
I'm sure has them and netflix if you have it (you can watch the earlier seasons there..). It's great and it gets better as it goes (in my opinion) over a year ago
I'm really mad that Megan won't be returning as Mikaela! I don't know if I will be able to watch the new movie without her in it! Posted over a year ago
babe1492 commented…
I agree with you 100%. Not looking forward to the next one at all!. over a year ago
Fairstepshaven commented…
screw that carly chick... Megan should be playing her role! over a year ago
A-Gie commented…
I'm not a fan of Megan, but She and Shia are great together on the screen. Too bad She didn't wanted to play in the third movie. This totally ruined one of my favourite couples :(. over a year ago