My Wall

Palin_X765 said about Soul Eater Not!
I remember reading it and couldn't wait for an anime version to come out, but i missed the last three episodes gotta catch up Posted over a year ago
Palin_X765 said about Fairy Tail
The Manga is so Epic right now!!!!!

Too bad the anime sucks currently ( In my opinion) Cant wait until this arc ends. Posted over a year ago
Red_Fairy_Panda commented…
Yep. I'm really disappointed with the anime. The epic fights become lame because they made too much filler scenes. Then what's the point of making a new anime? For us to see an epic fight become lame with fillers scenes? It's better to stop the anime until the manga ends THAN to have so many stupid fillers ruin the fight scenes. over a year ago
I haven't been on this website four about four months smh, most the people in normally might not even still be on here but.....I guessima try to get back on the great club and website. Posted over a year ago
Sableye21 gave me props for my comments
Thanks for add! Posted over a year ago
Issydragonheart said …
Hi, I hope we get along real well in the new guild. Posted over a year ago
wolfy33 gave me props for my images
thanks for the add back :) Posted over a year ago
Kevy1 gave me props for my images
Hey there, thanks for the add!!! Posted over a year ago
the feeling you get when you are in too many Rp's , then get confused on which story is which lol Posted over a year ago
EeveeOak500 commented…
yeah i'm in 4 on this club, about 3 in a different one, 1 in a club called Boss This, and 1 more in a diff confusing over a year ago
EeveeOak500 commented…
now i'm in more over a year ago
Palin_X765 said about Attack on Titan
The season final was weak i hope the next season is better Posted over a year ago
Greyawsome4 commented…
waa! when would the next be!? :( over a year ago
Hey i know you guys been waiting on a decent Role play for H.O.T.D so i just made one check it out its called Attack of the dead Posted over a year ago
Awesome57 commented…
Well then get on it yourself! over a year ago