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One4DaRoad said about Klaus and Bonnie
Awww on VH1 Morning Buzz! Joseph Morgan was showcased and they showed Bonnie and Klaus scene and they mentioned Kat Graham's visit, his tweeting, I have to watch later today!😝 Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
a new Klonnie scene ? over a year ago
lilou265 commented…
I Hope!!!!! over a year ago
Danya1980 commented…
I hope!! over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
So cool!!! Did you watch it? over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx gave me props for my videos
thanx for the add:) Posted over a year ago
One4DaRoad said about Klaus and Bonnie
hey guys, been so busy and just watched episode 15. Even if I do not get my Klonnie, I'd much rather Bonnie side with Team Originals, atleast Klaus has yet been shown having such little regards to Bonnie and her feelings. He has yet to try to kill her after she tried to do him in. I was so pissed off that THEY wanted Bonnie and her mother to get the coffin open, which they got open and actually gave them the tool to Kill Klaus but when Elena screwed up the plan yet again. Posted over a year ago
Desara commented…
Elena just likes playing damsel and distress and having attention ! over a year ago
Desara commented…
But i agree, I would like to see Bonnie team up with the Originala and Kick ass.. I am still Hope there will be some Klonnie over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
Bonnie+team originals=team KICKASS! over a year ago
One4DaRoad said about Klaus and Bonnie
I look at this video and for the life of me, I never understood why Klaus never tried to persuade Bonnie to be on the Original side instead of the Scoobies, smh. link Also, if I can not get my Klonnie, I'm soooo game for the more mature/equal Elijah, who is the moral Original Vamp with the moral witch since JP claims Klaus and possibly Damon are not moral enough to be with Bonnie. Posted over a year ago
LuCe60bis commented…
So do i ! i love the idea of Bonnie and Elijah, if i cant have Klonnie ! ;) over a year ago
One4DaRoad commented…
Well, JP couldn't use her lame excuse about him not having MORALS, :) I really want Klonnie, sighs; however, if I can't get it, Elijah bonding with Bonnie, I'd take it. LOL over a year ago
martinachan commented…
Klaus is a painter. I mean, it makes sense. We're the only ones who don't understand "roll my eyes again and again" over a year ago
One4DaRoad said about Klaus and Bonnie
After reading the recaps of the show, I will be pissed the hell off, if Bonnie has to save Elijah for Elena. I'm tired of Bonnie being used for the other selfish @zz people on this show. Posted over a year ago
jazzywazzy08 commented…
They were talking so much about her not being a plot device and oh suprise surprise who is the plot device um could it be Bonnie. I am soooo glad I didn't watch. Oh and the "big" Bennett reveal was the Ayanna was a Bennett um WE ALL KNEW THAT! over a year ago
One4DaRoad commented…
You know the other thing that pisses me off, they ALWAYS call Elijah the moral one of the bunch of Vamps and Call Bonnie the moral one of the witches, so even if I can't get Klonnie, sniff, I would have a chance with Bonlijah. yet, they got elijah sniffing around Elena who can't make up her mind which Salvatore man she wants. I adore DG and hell if I want his character with Elena who lied to his face. Hatee this show. over a year ago
One4DaRoad commented…
WTH, Stefan and Caroline, too, smh. Is Elena and Caroline's coochies made of gold? I would not be surprised. I just wished JP would own up on her biases and admits she does not care about the character instead of her lame excuse of Bonnie's morals, smh. over a year ago
One4DaRoad said about Elijah and Bonnie
Eonline Kristin D Santos is interviewing Daniel Gillies this Friday. She is asking for fans to tweet their questions for him @kristindsantos. However, she is hinting at another man falling in love with Elena. I hope you guys tweet her a Bonlijah question. I am just so tired of the men falling for either Elena or Caroline. Posted over a year ago
Moonlightrose16 commented…
Same here! over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my answers
Have a great night! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my comments
Much love for another Bonnie fan... Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my articles
Adding you to my updates Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa gave me props for my links
I really like your style, and the defending our Bonnie lass. Hope to see you more on the spots. <3333 Posted over a year ago