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dianna25 gave me props for my images
love your profile picture the fault in our stars is amazing Posted over a year ago
Nightingale443 said about Justin Bieber
Justin thinks he's so cool but he's not! He's a bad influence to all teens and sets a horrible example. He destroyed all the trust that his fans gave him and yet it doesn't seem like he cares! I mean, what kind of singer disappoints his fans by almost collapsing during a concert? Who does that?! And how about the newest dumb thing he did, getting drunk and getting arrested? He is SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT! All he has is his pretty face and voice. If he didn't have that, he'd be nothing. NOTHING. Posted over a year ago
secretlife98 commented…
why don't you be quiet and quit being a hater your just mad cause he's getting paid and your not! Hater!!! over a year ago
Nightingale443 commented…
Keep calling people names. See where that gets you. and I wouldn't care getting paid for being a lousy singer who collapses during a performance and doing drugs. He's over himself and you just cant get past his pretty face. over a year ago
Nightingale443 commented…
I don't like him bc of what he became while being too famous. He's a great singer, he's cute and he did create a great influence on girls or guys etc. But i just don't like him bc he's too over himself and now that he's all rich and famous he thinks he can do anything he wants, not really caring about his fans or how his actions influence him. That's simply why I dislike him. over a year ago
you are an amazing actress Jennifer! You wowed us again by your performance in The Hunger Games - Catching Fire like you did in the first movie! Your so beautiful, funny, and you don't act like a suck up movie star! Your an amazing actress and someday, you're going to be at the top of Hollywood :) Posted over a year ago
Max277 commented…
Agreed, She did an awesome Job in Catching fire. I got to see itt the day it came out! over a year ago
Max277 commented…
*It over a year ago
xxximaanxxx commented…
Could't say it better my self, Jennifer, you rule!!!! I went to see Catching fire the day it came out (my birthday yey!) aslwell, she was soooo good!!! :) over a year ago
Max277 commented…
OMG your b-day is November 22??????????? over a year ago
one o my fav movies series. it is amazing and it keeps you on the edge by all thats happening, the scenery and of course, the great acting! Posted over a year ago
Nightingale443 said about Orlando Bloom
just like to say thank you for wowing all of us with your spectacular performance in The Hobbit - Desolation of Smaug, just as you did in all the Lord of the Rings movies. I'm really looking forward to seeing you again next year in The Hobbit - There and Back Again! Posted over a year ago
fungirl112 commented…
Hay i love how you played will turner . P.s. ( when ever you kissed the girl i got jeoluse) over a year ago
fungirl112 commented…
Are you in other movies this year? I cant wait to see them over a year ago
I'm like, totally obsessed with Legolas and elves in general! Sometimes i imagine myself being in Middle Earth with him :P lol !! I love him so much, hes such a babbbbbbeeeeee and totally handsomee!!!! He is so gorgeous and i wish the actual character would come to life :P I just dont like his eyes in The Hobbit - DOS, I like Orlando's natural and warm brown eyes .......<3 Posted over a year ago
gstiltonrocks commented…
I like Legolas, yes he is handsome. But I'm not that obsessed! over a year ago
gstiltonrocks commented…
Do you really observe Legolas that much? I can't believe you are complaining about his EYES!!!! over a year ago
Vrosefan commented…
I kind of agree, no to be a hater, but REALLY?? over a year ago
Elsafrost11 commented…
yeah, um, obsessed much? over a year ago
Nightingale443 said about Orlando Bloom
Your such an amazing actor!!! I love your roles in LOTR and POTC and in Troy!!! The character Legolas is actually really really boring but you make him so lovable and you make him so much awesomer then he is!!!!!!! YOUR THE BOMB.COM!!! <3 Posted over a year ago
Elsafrost11 commented…
really? i loved legolas! but not judging! over a year ago
Nightingale443 said …
OMG I'm so in with Orlando Bloom and his movies: Pirates of the Caribbean (series), The Lord of the Rings (series) and The Hobbit - Desolation of Smaug!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago