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soulfire524 said …
Hey, can you join my club? Its not required, but I'd really appreciate it. Its called Akane Tendo_ The red heaven way. Its basically dedicated to Akane, but I'll allow any anime to be posted, and I welcome everything Rumiko Takahashi, so if you can, please join. I'll be eternally grateful. Posted over a year ago
Light24 gave me props for my comments
I will have to agree with your comment. I personally find Akane to be more attractive than Shampoo, in both her outer and inner beauty. Posted over a year ago
Night29765 commented…
Yes, in my opinion, if they want a lead with Shampoo's appearance they should stick to Urusei Yatsura. I'm not do not love Shampoo that much, but I'm quite fond of lum. over a year ago
Ichiyanagi gave me props for my comments
I love some of the comments you make. I feel as though you actually take the time to think about things before coming to a decision. I also agree with your stance on Ranma and Akane. They're just made for each other and they don't belong with anyone else. That's just how it is. Posted over a year ago
Tempest29 said …
Love your comments. I like Shampoo, but I hate Ranma&Shampoo. Ugh. I'm more for the traditional cannon couple Ranma & Akane! Posted over a year ago
Akaneforever commented…
oh, me too!! over a year ago
fangirl404 gave me props for my images
You entertain me!!!!!!!!!!!! XD Posted over a year ago