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OMG I saw a episode of All Hail King Julien- Spoiler- It involves the iron bootie. I cried from that episode. Posted over a year ago
peacebaby7 commented…
Oh my gosh. That episode. XD over a year ago
Mother-of-PoM commented…
I cried so hard. DX over a year ago
big smile
OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mother got me chocolate crisp cereal..PoM THEMED! The box is freaking PoM themed. Posted over a year ago
peacebaby7 commented…
I saw that at WalMart not too long ago! It made me so happy! Too bad I don't eat a lot of cereal. over a year ago
InternetGirl123 commented…
I got that a while ago, as well the the Madagascar s'mores kind. I didn't care for the Penguins one though, too chocolatey for me ;) over a year ago
Mother-of-PoM commented…
Haha. My box is almost all gone. I wish I was more patient. over a year ago
peacebaby7 commented…
@InternetGirl123: What is this "too chocolatey" you speak of? I didn't think such a thing existed. over a year ago
Just watched the PoM movie again. I still haven't stopped trying to steal Private from the screen. Posted over a year ago
peacebaby7 commented…
Get in line! XD over a year ago
Mother-of-PoM commented…
What do you mean "get in line?" I bombed my way in! XD over a year ago
peacebaby7 commented…
Yeah. In this case, you are forgiven. XD over a year ago
I actually tried to come up with a PoM theme. like singing with the music. I recorded it. But its lost now because my Dad's friend updated my laptop to windows 10. Posted over a year ago
Might Joey be transgender? Because he does have a pouch after all. And only female need pouches for babies. So if Joey has one, we can rightfully assume he must be a girl. But he has a guy name and a male voice, so I have come to the conclusion that Joe is transgender. Posted over a year ago
mouseandowl commented…
I don't see how a kangaroo would become transgender, but I guess anything's possible. over a year ago
Mother-of-PoM commented…
Exactly. There's no other explanation. :/ over a year ago
peacebaby7 commented…
Well said, SJF. I hadn't thought about the "Barnyard" example you mentioned. Birth defects would be another logical, more scientific explanation. over a year ago
Remember Our Man In Grrfurjiclestan? Where the penguins couldn't snap apparently?

HOLD IT! The snapping should've worked! in Fit To Print, Skipper snapped his flipper. And fit to print was aired before Our Man In Grrfurjiclestan! TAKE THAT! I mean- Nice try Dream Works! Posted over a year ago
27Kowalski commented…
Good ol' cartoon logic. XD over a year ago
Mother-of-PoM commented…
Its as bad as Video Game Logic. over a year ago
SJF_Penguin2 commented…
Nice catch! over a year ago
DrBsNumber1Fan gave me props for my comments
Thanks for adding me back! Posted over a year ago
What I've never gotten....How come we don't have any comic dubs or fan made animations? I seem to see them in every fandom but this one O.O Posted over a year ago
SJF_Penguin2 commented…
In 2012, I tried to organize a fan-made animation/voice acting project, but it was never completed. See linkI have not officially cancelled the project, but it's been in a sort of "development purgatory" for a while now. over a year ago
SJF_Penguin2 commented…
A test recording of the 2012 project was made, in which fans voice Marlene, Skipper, and Rico in the scene I wrote: link over a year ago
Mother-of-PoM commented…
Hmm. IDk. I didn't expect this to have that much attention. over a year ago