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MissTamsin said about Merlin on BBC
I watch Merlin now, but I miss Camelot. Posted over a year ago
Teace77 commented…
i did watch camelot, but only because i thought it would be like merlin. Jamie Cambell Bower is gorgeous in it and the storyline is good but Merlin is better over a year ago
heartmerlin2 commented…
I watched Camelot to see how they adapted it differently (a see an adaption that is truer to the legend), but I wan't that much of a fan, and I was put off by all the unnessicary nudity so stopped watching half way though. Although I really enjoyed the different take on the legend, and the settings they used were soectacular! And their Merlin was very interesting. :) over a year ago
Idunn commented…
I only watched because of Eva Green. She is a amazing actresss! over a year ago
MissTamsin said about Morgan Pendragon
I joined. She is the only Morgan. Posted over a year ago