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Lizijana said about Mother of Dragons
Finally there is a club for Daenerys :) I hope you like it. Posted over a year ago
Lizijana said about Dragon Booster
I gave you the start, now continue working on this club... Don't force me to feel that I just had wasted my time here. Posted over a year ago
Lizijana said about Vampire Academy
They gonna build a movie of Vampire academy (hurray!)
They are going to regard to fans' opinions/offers and choose actors accordingly. So, Dimitry will be played by Ben Barnes probably.
So, book series are finished, the marathon of movies starts :P Posted over a year ago
Warrior-Petrova commented…
Ben Barnes is probably not going to play Dimitri. He never heard about the books + he might think this is another Twilight thing and when he auditioned for the role of Edward he said he was releaved he wasn't casted in Twilight. Plus he is way too old to be Dimitri. And also they don't even have a studio and they might only find one next year so the casting might start around 2014. We'll still have to wait a while. over a year ago
It's nice movie. But I'm confused about the kiss... Snow white woke up whant huntsman kisses her, not when William does that. What does that mean? That huntsman and Snow white love each other very much or huntsman loves her as daughter and she him as father or what? Posted over a year ago
bellatoddnellie commented…
I think it just means that she prefers the Huntsman to William. But they don't exactly explai why. over a year ago
Lizijana commented…
Well... I don't think she prefers Huntsman more, because she kisses William(well, she think she does kiss him), not huntsman and in all movie she didn't pay any regard to him. I'm sooo confused >.< over a year ago
Lizijana commented…
Yea, I understand you and I believe, that Huntsman loves her much more that William. But I don't understand the WAY of his love. Is he loving her ar daughter or as woman? Because the about romantic moment was only then when he kissed her (dead. Its a bit disgusting) and before it he havn't show her no romantic feelings. Besides, he is much more older than her. And there is William... I just don't understand the way of their love... over a year ago
bloomprinceton gave me props for my images
heya!!!are u still alive??!!! Posted over a year ago
fabia4ever gave me props for my answers
Please join my club link.
Good luck Friend! Posted over a year ago
big smile
bloomprinceton gave me props for my images
ITS BEEEN A LLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNGGGGG time!how r u???really missed ya! Posted over a year ago
bloomprinceton commented…
where have u been???????really missed ya!!! over a year ago
big smile
bloomprinceton gave me props for my images
Sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back. I asked why: ... The angel said: " angel don't watch over angels! " Twenty angels are IN your world. Ten of them are sleeping, nine are playing, one is reading this message. Send this to ten friends including me. If i don't get one back, I'm not one of them. As soon as you get five replies, someone you love will quietly surprise you....:) ♥ Posted over a year ago
fabia4ever gave me props for my videos
**$$Random Prop$$** Posted over a year ago
fabia4ever gave me props for my images
**$$Random Prop$$** Posted over a year ago