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athena305 gave me props for my comments
Giving you props...because I feel like it. Don't ask, I just do! Posted over a year ago
LeoValdez commented…
lol over a year ago
wisegurl gave me props for my images
I'm adding u just cuz u hav a viria icon
Luv that artist:) Posted over a year ago
LeoValdez commented…
=} over a year ago
LeoValdez said about Percabeth!!!!!
Why does everybody draw anabeth and Percy wrong? They always forget the grey it ther Hair........ Just saying....... We can't call are selfsame percabeth fans if we draw them with out the grey........ Idk just Thoth I would bring it up...... Posted over a year ago
LeoValdez commented…
Sorry for typos I'm using an iPad in the car..... Bumpy rode over a year ago
TrueHufflepuff commented…
They maybe just forget it =). Or draw them before the Titan's Curse. over a year ago
mich9250 commented…
yea i think the atrist ( i don't think i spelled that right) just forgot it doesn't matter. over a year ago