My Wall

Juusan said about There For Tomorrow
Hell yeah! 100 fans! I love TFT!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
Juusan said about Nurarihyon no Mago
HEY! Nurarihyon no Mago manga? Why U no update for 3 weeks?! Posted over a year ago
Juusan said about
Apparently, today is Blackout Day as a petition or something for the deletion of Fics. Starting 0:00 GMT, June 23. . . Posted over a year ago
EppofangirlXD commented…
It won't work anyway since a bunch of us live on the other side of the world. over a year ago
Juusan commented…
I know, right? I only realized this at like, 3:00 in the morning GMT. over a year ago
SJF_Penguin2 commented…
I have no interest in this. In fact, as a counter-protest, I think I'll actually read a few fanfics. over a year ago
Juusan said about Random
If at first you don't succeed, sky diving is not for you. Posted over a year ago
jessy_an commented…
umad? DX over a year ago
Juusan said about Random
He who laughs last, thinks slowest. Posted over a year ago
jessy_an commented…
XDDD over a year ago
xXAndyXx commented…
Lmao! over a year ago
Juusan said about Hetalia
Who is exited for Canada's Character song (duet with Kumajiro)?
I know I am! Posted over a year ago
iamawesome7887 commented…
o~! i am! canadas adorable x3 over a year ago
Panda-Hero commented…
I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED that I screamed in school and got in trouble. -3- over a year ago
Juusan said about Random
A random facepalm moment:

Me: Have you seen my glasses?
My sister: No.
Me: Are you sure?
My sister: Where did you last put it?
Me: My room.
My sister: Why don't you look for it there?
Me: But I can't find it without my glasses!
My sister: . . . The hell?

Oh the irony. . . Posted over a year ago
scourgestar55 commented…
lol over a year ago
Juusan said about Nyotalia
Every time Hetalia makes a new season there is a cute segment. In Axis Powers it was Chibitalia, in the first season of World Series it was Spain the Boss and Chibiromano, in the end of the second season of World Series it was Nekotalia. If Hetalia makes a new anime season, do you think it would be Nyotalia as the segment? That would be so cool! Posted over a year ago
Juusan said about Fanpop
I wish Fanpop would become the next Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/other popular website/etc. . . . Posted over a year ago
HotCupcake436 commented…
i know right I LOVE FANPOP!!! over a year ago
Juusan said about Anime
I wonder. . . Who would win this chess match? Lelouch Lamperouge (or "vi Britania" if you want) from Code Geass, or Ciel Phantomhive from Kuroshitsuji? Posted over a year ago
Knight_Sentinel commented…
Hmm....tough call but I would say Lelouch over a year ago
haremaster99 commented…
Lulu-Nii, cause he can make Ciel make Sebby do......"things" XDD over a year ago
Juusan commented…
Hahaha. . . Thanks. over a year ago