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ILuvTV101 said about Damon & Bonnie
Is Bonnie coming back from the other side? Because i'm getting real tired of TVD sacrificing Bonnie to save everyone else. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^This! Idk for real, but Kat is rumored to be leaving this season.. so anything is possible. Just hope they do her character justice b4 she does. :) over a year ago
Tigerlily888 commented…
isn't this the last season anyway? :/ over a year ago
FlightofFantasy commented…
NOOOO Kat better not leave! She's only of the only reasons I keep watching this show! Although I don't blame her if she does, the writers treat Bonnie more like a plot device than a character. over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said about Damon & Bonnie
So is anyone switching to ship Kennet? Posted over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
Nah! I'm kinda hoping for a love triangle triangle though;) over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
lol. Multishipper here, I could never give up on Bamon. What about you? over a year ago
Viky11 commented…
nope. I don't ship Kennet at all. sorry. a triangle would be awesome, though. actually anything would be awesome for Bonnie. she really needs someone whom is not Jeremy over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said about Damon & Bonnie
Can I just do a small rant?
I haven't been watching TVD since the new season or even last season. It's too predictable with all this Delena stuff. It's starting to get boring. I wish they would've went by the book. Posted over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said about Damon & Bonnie
Bamon is dying out. Just my point of view. I've watched this fanpage at its height , now its just sinking. I truly dislike how EVERyTHING is centered around Elena. It irk's me so much. Most of the characters have died for her or dedicate themselves trying to protect her. Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
I don't think it's Bamon that's dying, but tvd in general. Fans have been sick of the biased rubbish that's being spewed and voted to leave the show, but not Bamon/Bonnie ships. Kennett/Klonnie/Bamon still are popular. Participation, agreed is down, but with the scenes coming up that will rise too. *beams* Yeh, Lena centric is killing the show. Keep the faith! over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Wahinetoa i agree mate this is what I bloody meant, when meh said I am done with TVD. Not Bamon in generally but TVD everything is for ride em and die whore princess Elame, she's flippin cast off on ever poor soul. I am tired of trying to cheer this show up as a whole, the only high eppy they said was good was DE's Feels so good moment ugh. They were a flippin hot mess off a white doe's butt. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
^True. They took a strong female in Elena, to nothing but a grizzling self-entitled neglectful princess. Bonnie is the true heroine, no one else comes even close. <3 More than happy that more people see it. <3 over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said about Damon & Bonnie
Does anyone think the writers will Make Elena end up with Damon, because in reality they're dating. I doubt Bamon is going to happen D': Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
dON'T be doubtful!! Nian has absolutely NOTHING to do with TVD, whether Delena happens or not! Frankly, when it comes to this season finale, I almost hope she DOES chose Damon! I have reasons of course! ;) But yeah, don't fret about that! Nina and Ian are different from Damon and Elena, and their relationship has ZERO effect on them! ;D over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
Totally agree with bb8fan. The writers don't care about who's datinng who in real life. They only care about their characters and what's best for them. The story and the characters are their priority and nothing can influence their decisions - neither the fans or their actors' personal lives. over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
Well, they are forcing it.. or de just feels forced anyway so I dunno. If they do, or don't, doesn't matter. I've a feeling it won't last if Damon was responsible for Elenas parents death. lol. Y'know this is how writers tend to do things. I think if Bonnie goes Witchfury on their tooshies, Damon may well choose Bonnie to save like he did recently. Agreed with Kaddy and BB8fan, Exploiting personal lives would be too low. Don't doubt, it happened in the book.. and look at the scenes they're SMOKING in! Doubt? lol. Not even! :D over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said about Damon & Bonnie
Honestly Bamon over everything. But Beremy over Bamie. Bonnie kissing Jamie made my eyes burn. But in walks Damon the king of cockblocking. AMEN. Posted over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
Agree. Beremy was nice while waiting for the REAL THING Bamon. But Bamie doesn't work for me. Jamie may be nice and affectionate but I don't buy it. Jamie would have been great as a protective brother for Bonnie but not a love interest. I would have loved to see Bonnie disliking Jamie at first because her mom basically chose him over her. Then, a great sibling relationship could have developed from there. Hope it's not gonna last long and it's just a device to make Damon realize his feelings for Bonnie. over a year ago
Kaddy9 commented…
That said Damon could actually learn a lot from Jamie. over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
there was no build what so ever for a baime relationship! they had like two conversations one introduction and the other Bonnie's cooking., then they make out? sorry but Julie plec can get mad at us all she wants for not liking baime, but how are we supposed to warm up to them when there was no build? SE-built up relationship. Forwood-built up, hell even. beremy was more built up. over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said about Damon & Bonnie
The writers need to go by the books already. Let Bamon happen stop revolving around Elena. Everyone is dying for her. And now both salvatores want her? Just because she looks like Katherine doesnt mean she should act like her, Posted over a year ago
ginbell84 commented…
ITA with you over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
I don't know if I want them to go by the BOOKS! Lol! Triangle was drawn out FARR too long in that thing!!! :/ But I DEFINITELY want THREE SEASONS AGO!! :D Would be nice to see him caring for her like he did in the books, that's for sure! ;D over a year ago
vampgurl2005BxD commented…
I am sorry but they have already strayed too far from the books to ever even follow them :( I wish. character wise they would have stayed with the books and others not like Caroline Tyler and Katherine. they were better on the show, but the rest I wish would have been more like the books over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said about Damon & Bonnie
Happy Easter everyone. I hear were going to have some upcoming Bamon scenes. But maybe its just a rumor from tumblr and twitter. Posted over a year ago
Omg_Its_Bamon commented…
Happy Easter! and no it's actually true, in episode 20! over a year ago
ILuvTV101 commented…
yay!!! :D over a year ago
xDenYsaDenYx commented…
Happy Easter <3 over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said about Damon & Bonnie
Hello fellow Bamonators.. I think lol. Do any you have tumblrs? I would love to follow.
KThanksBby's~ Posted over a year ago
Kurenai24 commented…
Aw hello there, I have a tumblr's over a year ago
nansoula commented…
linkXD this will help you and you can add yours too :) over a year ago
ILuvTV101 said about Selena Gomez
I roleplay as her on tumblr. i want to see her and zayn malik together one day. Posted over a year ago