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TDI_Angel gave me props for my articles
I know the article is over a year old, but I still think you deserve a prop for your behavior analysis of Scott! <3 Posted over a year ago
Fangurl1331 said …
mother of god I haven't been on for almost a year.... I have changed so much holey shiiiit Posted over a year ago
Fangurl1331 said about Random
Hey! I got an important question! how come pineapples never wear bathrobes? i mean the ones in my kitchen r always sitting around stark naked, and it gets annoying :/'s a smily face for listening ^^ Posted over a year ago
iPsychic gave me props for my polls
~Give a friend a prop day!~

Heres a prop,from me to you
This prop means,that our friendship is true
This prop was pulled,from the bottom of my heart
This prop that will never tear apart.

If you have a friend thats true,
Send them this message,
To show them how much they mean to you. Posted over a year ago
u kno something? i pity scott very much. if u dont get what the F**k i'm saying add a comment Posted over a year ago
wishey commented…
You mean about what happened to him in the finale? over a year ago
Fangurl1331 commented…
sort of, but i also pity him because... well, go look at this -> link over a year ago
Fangurl1331 said …
Check me out on tumblr!!! link Posted over a year ago
i just posted the 1st chappie of mah fanfic!!! :D CHEKC IT!!! :D link Posted over a year ago
i just saw the fourth episode! Brick was awesome! he admitted his fear, somewhat confronted it, commited acts of chivelry and honor. he offered to take the hurl of shame for pete's sake! anybody who acts such a way is a true gentalman in my books ^^ ...just sayin' Posted over a year ago
i just saw a pic of scott in the trauma chair. okay, not even somebody as evil as him deservse that! i feel so sorry for him, even if i don't particularly like him Posted over a year ago
Tkomastersay commented…
I know he's a bad dude, but he still has a heart i feel bad for him alittle but he will be alright :( over a year ago
TDI_Angel commented…
Really, he didn't deserve that! :( over a year ago
iPsychic gave me props for my images
He's my favourite too! Thank-chu! Here's a prop back >W< Posted over a year ago
Fangurl1331 commented…
thanx!!! :D over a year ago