My Wall

cloudcastle said …
( :

Hello Elisa . . .

Hop you have a happy Easter.

Chocolate could help you to take life easy.

( : Posted over a year ago
PrueFever gave me props for my links
Any chance I could get you to vote and maybe leave a comment in this Disney Poll I made here:


I'm trying to get as many Fanpoppers to vote and comment and your vote could really help a lot :) I'd really appreciate it as every little vote counts :) Posted over a year ago
link NEW RP ON CHATZY!!! Starting on ep 1 and going through all the books, OCs accepted :D Posted over a year ago
ElisaFlemer said about Naruto
Hey guys!!! How are you? So, I had a hard time finding Naruto RP chatrooms, so I decided to create my own :) Basically we're following the original story, and we can change some basic stuff, create more adventures in between and rp our favorite characters. OCs are allowed as well... we can explore the years at the academy, Naruto's childhood, the Uchiha destruction, etc... There are no roleplayers yet, but I hope to see you there soon! link Posted over a year ago
ElisaFlemer said about Peter Pan
Hey!! I was searching for some new songs and I found an awesome one: link I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS SONG! And yup, it's about Peter :) Posted over a year ago
sheetal-baijal commented…
Which songs u like ? over a year ago
ElisaFlemer commented…
Wow I like hundreds of songs, I can't write them all here XDXD over a year ago
OneLostGirl commented…
i love that song! over a year ago
ElisaFlemer said about Peter Pan
What's the point of going to your cousin's house if he doesn't want to play with you at 2:44am? That's not fair! Let's play something, not waste time watching silly videos on Youtube cus we got nothing better to do DX I. WANT. TO. PLAY. Preferably outside, sneak out the house would be awesome... :D Cmon, dear cousin, you're only a 12 year old boy, you gotta play with me! Posted over a year ago
ElisaFlemer said about Peter Pan
Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I made a playlist and I can't stop listening to it, and thinking of magic. "Neverland" from Zendaya, "Anywhere but here" Christina Aguilera, "Lost Boy" Ruth B, "I Believe" Christina Perri... 4 songs that are making me smile without stopping!!! :) These songs are magical! Posted over a year ago
ElisaFlemer said about Peter Pan
Yesterday, the power went off and there were a lot of fireflies... Almost magical! My garden seemed made of glitter! SO MUCH BEAUTY! I felt magic in the air! Posted over a year ago
foofoobunny1 commented…
Probably saw fairies there too! over a year ago
ElisaFlemer said about Peter Pan
Tonight is such a beautiful night! There are so many stars... I went outside and walked in circles looking above... I didn't know what to say to them, I just wanted to stay there and watch... And more of them started to appear... I kept saying: YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL! And well, I'm usually afraid of the dark, but tonight I felt so protected... And then I started telling a story about two sisters who become fairies and create Wonderland... and a fairy who become a star... and the moon... :) Posted over a year ago
ElisaFlemer said about Santa Claus
Hey guys!! Just a curious thing: In Portuguese Santa Claus is Papai Noel (Daddy Noel), so his surname is Noel... ok I dont know why im telling you this... 😂😂😂 I'm Brazilian by the way! 😊 Posted over a year ago