Ivan Viljoen

Fanpopping since November 2011

  • Male, 27 years old
  • Pretoria, South Africa
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I am on Yue_42 side and she/he is right you are CRAZY simpiltins and need to be Destroyed. Mwhahahaha
Posted over a year ago
Yue42 commented…
Thank you! Glad your on my side over a year ago
LostOblivion commented…
you will fail, like others have in the past over a year ago
bubblegirl99xo commented…
I agree with Ivanda. oh... she spelled "simpleton" wrong. =-= Oh well. she's right though over a year ago
You are ALL crazy! And may you all find a way to STOP this madness, you have tured my friends against me. I am here to try and make peace with this world by taking out all evil. You are the evil that tore my life appart. So stop this madness and go back to being normal. I am here to help.

-DestroyerIvanda2090 Posted over a year ago
Yue42 commented…
WE must all band together to stop these crazy shadow fangirls! over a year ago
shade12 commented…
we fangirls will put an end to yue42's BIG MOUTH!!! over a year ago
PowerRouge commented…
I am a fan girl and you won't stop me! over a year ago
toechana gave me props for my videos
hi Posted over a year ago