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DamonsGirlxo said about Arya and Gendry
I hope something happens between Gendry and Arya in the show.. like in later seasons. Obsessed. <3 Posted over a year ago
Slayerfest93 commented…
I hope so too! over a year ago
DamonsGirlxo said about Damon & Elena
This kind of confused me. So the fact that the sire bond doesn't work when Elena's emotions are turned off, does that mean that the extent of her feelings for him are real? Or just a fabrication of the sire bond? :S Posted over a year ago
bratski2192 commented…
Her feelings for everything is shut off. The sire bond doesn't determine how you feel about someone. It's been made known. It is a bit confusing, but her love for Damon along with the feelings (sire bond increases intensity plus her human feelings being magnified by turning) cause it all to be gone. over a year ago
campyvamp commented…
They showed Damon *and* Stefan that her feelings are her own. When she told Stefan that she couldn't care less about him, but then when she hit on Damon at the end and told him that when she was human, she was too scared to take what she wanted, i.e. The Choice end of season 3, she chose what did not scare her. And in the next episode, she's going to be all over Damon but she doesn't have the same emotionless need to be all over Stefan. over a year ago
DamonsGirlxo said about Damon & Elena
TVD doesn't come on where I am until 11:30 because of stupid American Idol -.- FML. Can't wait any longer. Posted over a year ago
iandamonfan commented…
Ew. Having to wait for TVD because Nicki Minaj is on screen...? EWW. over a year ago
DamonsGirlxo commented…
I know! So pissed. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
sorry, nicki minaj, but fuck you!!! we want to see our delena damnit!! over a year ago
DamonsGirlxo said about Damon & Elena
Um... I'm kind of confused about something. Jeremy was wearing his ring when Silas killed him. Does the ring not work anymore or something? :S Posted over a year ago
Irenenew commented…
He's a hunter now, supernatural, so the ring doesn't work... over a year ago
campyvamp commented…
Actually, he stopped being a hunter when Bonnie drew all that power from him to open the tomb. Remember when the tattoo faded from both Jer and Vaughn? Vaughn said when the tomb was opened and Silas was raised, they would stop being affected by this "curse". And after Bonnie opened the circular tombs so that they could get to Silas, Vaughn's super strength faded as shown when he tried to force Damon to move with the rope like he'd been doing before - but couldn't. So the ring might actually work. over a year ago
DelenaDiaries commented…
but shane said all those who died when trying to get silas back will be resurrected over a year ago
campyvamp commented…
@DelenaDiaries, Shane was used by Silas. Silas has no incentive to raise the dead, unless he plans on making some sort of undead army. I can pretty much guarentee that if he did raise the dead, they wouldn't come back 'right'. over a year ago
DamonsGirlxo said about Damon & Elena
Happy Singles Awareness day everyone! :) LOL Posted over a year ago
team_tonks commented…
Lol! :) over a year ago
delenaluv commented…
ok..i'll try my hardest 2 control myself. it's gonna be the longest 15minute ride home in my life!! lol over a year ago
iandamonfan commented…
@delenaluv try to resist and not get it spoiled for you! It's always so much better to find out as you watch. over a year ago
DamonsGirlxo said about Damon & Elena
So I am drunk... Does anyone know any good Delena fanfictions? Dying to read some good ones. :) Posted over a year ago
CHOCOLADE commented…
Wow!! I'm drunk too! I just got back from the bar with my friends! Oh and sorry I don't read fanfictions :-S over a year ago
team_tonks commented…
Can I beg you to read mine and leave a review? ;) link over a year ago
DamonsGirlxo commented…
Sure! :) over a year ago
DamonsGirlxo said about Damon & Elena
Not sure about how I feel about tonights episode. The speech Elena made to Damon was flawless and beautiful... This has always been a bumpy road for us and it isn't going to change anytime soon :P I have hope that they will be together in the end. As for the Shane situation, Damon is always right. Shane is just as shady as Damon predicted. And of course, no one listens to him. Posted over a year ago
campyvamp commented…
By now, they know Shane isn't to be trusted but Elena wasn't going to let Bonnie get out of control because Damon felt the need to kill someone. In this episode, I'm 100% on Elena's side for stopping Damon from snapping Shane's neck. over a year ago
CHOCOLADE commented…
I loved the episode :) my heart really broke during Elena's speech, it was so beautiful! over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
and yes, ALWAYS listen to damon!!, it's fuuny every critizes damon and his opinions, and yet most of the time, he turns out to be right. over a year ago
DamonsGirlxo said about Damon & Elena
I just watched a SE vid because I was curious... and they don't even hold a candle to DE. I don't understand how Stelena fans can be Stelena fans. Elena and Damon belong together. And so help me god if they are not endgame , I will hunt down Julie Plec and flick her in the eye ball. Posted over a year ago
campyvamp commented…
OMG ROFL That would be weirdest lawsuit to ever see the light of day. "The defendant is accused of flicking Ms Plec in the eyeball." over a year ago
DamonsGirlxo commented…
LOL it will happen. I will find a way to make it happen. I just need to get close enough and FLICK. And I will scream "DELENAAAAAAA" while doing it. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
rofl!!! i would pay good money to see that!!! hehe over a year ago
DamonsGirlxo said about Damon & Elena
oh my god. That was the most beautiful scene in tv history. The look on Damons face. In that moment all of his walls were down and oh my god I'm dead. Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
i just want to cry im so happy!!! over a year ago
DamonsGirlxo said about Damon & Elena
Happy New Year everyone! :) Posted over a year ago
lovesobrev commented…
happy new year to you too hun over a year ago
Thana01 commented…
Happy New Year To All Of You! ;) over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
happy new year everyone!! over a year ago