My Wall

Ugh. Anyone finding that this wall is really off-topic? Lets try keeping it ON-topic.. (..For once.....)

So who thinks there will be a totally hot blood sharing scene in S3 during the road trip? Posted over a year ago
ren4itoy commented…
why is off-topic? :D over a year ago
delenaluv commented…
don't worry. we will carry on over a year ago
90210ggtvd commented…
dont worry ella, this girl just has anger issues ignore her over a year ago
Anyway, I really hope TVD S3 has less witchy crap. I'm tired of the waste-of-screen-time that is Bonnie & Co. I want some Delena. TOGETHER. Possibly locked in somewhere... Posted over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
KW already said less witchy crap. And we'll most likely get a roadtrip so that means MAYBE a motel scene. over a year ago
traceypharm commented…
Maybe Damon should pull "a Caroline", by which I mean he leaves the pressure cap off of one or more tires, then oops! Flat tire! over a year ago
traceypharm commented…
But then...Elena's seen that one already. He'll have to be a bit craftier than that. over a year ago
deluv commented…
I think witches is the las thing we should be worried about.,KW is writing another witch show, he needs all the storylines he can get. So o don't think he'll waste it on TVD... which a vampire show. And the witch s/l in TVD is irrelevant. And those times when its relevant its not presented well.. over a year ago
Isn't there a Nian spot? This is the DE spot, NOT the Nian spot. So keep it OT. Posted over a year ago
90210ggtvd commented…
-_- over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
Don't mind Sof. She's just like that all the time. It grows on you over time....or not. over a year ago
90210ggtvd commented…
^ agreed she shouldn't just go around telling people what to do just because she doesnt like what we are sayng so annoyingg:P over a year ago
I can't wait for Elena to struggle with her feelings for Damon. It's about time this 'triangle' becomes an actual triangle. Posted over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
WORD. over a year ago
20cosmogirl commented…
yeah over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
deffo!! bring on the delena struggle!! LOL. over a year ago
I hope Elena gets more focus in S3. <3 Posted over a year ago
cfemma commented…
ya hope sooo over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
Kw and JP said its gonna be alot of charcter so i hope so too! over a year ago
DamonElenaForev said about Destiel
First poster! :D

Destiel is amazing, here's to many more seasons of great build up. <3 Posted over a year ago
DamonElenaForev said about Spuffy
Just found this spot. SPUFFY LOVE. <3 Posted over a year ago
bratski2192 commented…
Yes! Spuffy always <333333333 over a year ago
DamonElenaForev commented…
Of course! <3 over a year ago
I really hope Stefan is like GONE for the first half of S3. Not that DE need other people out of the way in order to work, but his constant need of Elena & Damon's attention is getting old. I want DE, uninterrupted and uncut. We deserve that much, eh? Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
Pfttt..i wouldn't hold my breath. He'll be back by episd'ode 4/5 at the most over a year ago
DamonElenaForev commented…
Buzzkill much? Stefan could be gone for longer. The writers may actually want him to have a storyline. *Shrug* over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
i hope so to. can't they just let elena and damon have some ALONE time! over a year ago
Is there a reason Delena were left off this banner? It clearly says 'The Vampire Diaries Couples' and I am pretty sure that Damon and Elena qualify, seeing how this show is advertised as a love triangle between two vampire brothers( Stefan and Damon), and a girl(Elena Gilbert). So, reason, anyone? Posted over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
It used to be a Bamon and Stelena spot, but other couples/fans came here sp the owner only changed the motto. I think they're about to change the both motto and banner/icon. :) over a year ago
Damon-Bamon12 commented…
*so over a year ago
SpuffyDelena gave me props for my images

I'm taking your prop virginity.

Hope it was up to your expectations... Posted over a year ago