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lovedeppdamn said …
Hey! Posted over a year ago
deathroman13 gave me props for my images
Btw means By the way.
Yeah all Tim Burton movies are awesome :) Posted over a year ago
deathroman13 gave me props for my pop quiz questions
Btw, What is your favorite movie? Posted over a year ago
Coraline_Burton commented…
I really don`t tthe moment, may be, Sleepy Hollow and Alice in Wonderland...I LOVE Tim Burton`s and Johnny Depp`s films over a year ago
Coraline_Burton commented…
And...what does mean "Btw"? :))) over a year ago
deathroman13 gave me props for my answers
Good :)
I am fine too (Blub Blub ik ben een vis) Posted over a year ago
deathroman13 gave me props for my comments
Hello and welcome to fanpop :)
You have a very awesome Icon.
How are you doing? Posted over a year ago
Coraline_Burton commented…
Hello :) over a year ago
Coraline_Burton commented…
I`m fine, thanks) over a year ago
Coraline_Burton commented…
Some days ago I`ve made the work about Tim Burton for my English lesson...everyone was caught and my teacher too :) Now I`m going to draw something. How are you? And thank you for a comment about Icon :) over a year ago
After this movie I became a real "Burtonfan" х)
Posted over a year ago
shenelopefan commented…
he is the best director for creepy stuff! over a year ago
Coraline_Burton commented…
Oh yes...I guess that if he would filmed one of the books by Stephen King, it will be brilliant! For example, Pet Sematary, there is just about the dogs ... over a year ago
deathroman13 commented…
That is a brilliant idea :) over a year ago
First I saw this movie when I was about 8 years and I was afraid of the Headless Horseman, but when I was a few years later, I reviewed it...It`s one of my favorite films))) Johnny Depp is amzing az always, Tim Burton is genius :) The atmosphere of the film is fascinating...Now I am drowing Ichabod and Catrine :) By the way, I am from Russia, so do not complain if I make mistkes in English) Posted over a year ago
deathroman13 commented…
That's very awesome :) over a year ago
Lancebassfan1 commented…
the headless horseman is real is ghost hunts new York. And this movie is a true story. over a year ago
Lancebassfan1 commented…
The headless horseman is real his ghost hunts new York. And this movie is real. over a year ago
applehead_ commented…
So do i :D ! and Lancebassanfan1 ...dude..i know its a great movie isn't real xD over a year ago