My Wall

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remy_46 gave me props for my articles
קг๏קร Ŧ๏г ค ς๏๏l ςเllเคภ'ร Ŧคภ ! Posted over a year ago
Happy St. Patricks Day to everyone here! If your not wearing green, be prepared to be pinched, lol! *pinch pinch* Posted over a year ago
Happy St. Patrick's Day to Cillian, our sexy and beautiful Irishman!!! Posted over a year ago
Guys! I am meeting Keegan Allen (Toby) tomorrow in Charleston, WV (I live 30 minutes from Charleston) he's going to be there signing autographs and I am FREAKING OUT so much right now!!! I don't even know what I am going to say to him, I am soooo excited! Posted over a year ago
delenafan123 commented…
Hope you had fun over a year ago
emmyz123 commented…
I've met the entire cast, I'm an extra on the set. over a year ago
I apologize for not being here much, I was extremely deathly ill for a few weeks but now I am feeling much better and I am planning on working on writing Chapter 5 of my fan fic this week, I am really really excited to get back to writing it cause I've got incredible ideas for it so keep a look out for chapter 5, I'll have it posted as soon as possible! I'll also be posting a whole lot more and making more fan art now that I'm feeling better so get ready, lol! Posted over a year ago
sunshinedany commented…
...deathly ill !!! You got me worried, i'm glad you're feeling better :) over a year ago
CillysSunshine commented…
Aww thanks, I am glad I am feeling better too, i was so sick :( I think I just had a severe case of the flu, oh it was terrible, I was bed bound for weeks but now I'm finally better! Yay! over a year ago
sunshinedany gave me props for my videos
link Posted over a year ago
New fan art has been posted, please comment them and tell me what you think!!! Posted over a year ago
sunshinedany gave me props for my links
What kinde of music do you like ? Posted over a year ago
CillysSunshine commented…
I have a couple of music artists that I like: Darren Criss, Glee cast, Ylvis, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, just to name a few but my biggest interest when it comes to music is soundtracks, I love soundtracks to movies and tv shows, they are my favorite thing to listen to! over a year ago
I apologize for not posting here as much as I usually do these past few days, I'm unfortunately down with the flu and have been stuck in the bed sick as a dog and all I've been wanting to do these past few days is sleep it off :(

I promise that as soon as I get some energy and start feeling better, I will be posting a whole lot more, making tons of fan art and get Chapter 5 written and posted! I want to make sure I stay as active here as I can cause I seriously love this place so much! Posted over a year ago
sunshinedany commented…
GET WELL SOON :) HUGS :) over a year ago
Just a heads up about Chapter 5, I've had to pause on writing it because I am sick and I tend to get writers block when I am sick, I don't want it to end up sounding bad or not as descriptive as previous chapters have been so I am going to pause on writing the chapter until I feel better and once I am better I will start back up on writing it and get it posted when it's finished being written. Please be patient with me, I'll have Chapter 5 written and posted as soon as possible! Posted over a year ago
sunshinedany commented…
Take your time sweetie ! over a year ago