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Bamon1802 said about Damon & Bonnie
hey guy, I have been a bamon shipper from the start and I know this is off topic but if there are any book lovers that want to read a new book I have a suggest for you. I have read a book called The first stone by don aker its really good book. I made a fansite called Leeza and Reef if you are interested to help me out that would so great. I know you guys are the best shippers ever so if you wanted to help out I would be so greatful. Thanks for reading this :) BAMON 4 LIFE Posted over a year ago
big smile
el0508 gave me props for my polls
fine!! and happy easter to you!!
have you seen the last tvd episode?? Posted over a year ago
el0508 gave me props for my images
put♥this♥on anyone's ♥ wall ♥ who ♥made♥ you ♥ smile ♥ somewhere sometime♥ in ♥your ♥ life.♥ It ♥ may ♥surprise ♥ you, ♥ but ♥ check♥ out♥ how♥many ♥come♥ back♥ . Thanks ♥ a ♥ lot ♥...for ♥ making ♥ me♥ smile! ♥ Posted over a year ago