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ImaScrubbyScrub gave me props for my articles
Doing good. As usual, been watching a lot of anime and reading manga. How've you been? Posted over a year ago
ImaScrubbyScrub gave me props for my images
Don't worry about it~ It's better than you taking another 4-5 month break on fanpop *Cough* -__- *Cough*

Thanks ^^ Yours is super adorable too <3 Posted over a year ago
ImaScrubbyScrub gave me props for my links
Oh!! Ada~ That makes a lot more sense xD Posted over a year ago
Gilbert's obsession with Oz is really... off-setting. He even tried to kill Break once in the manga just because of it -_- Amber? Is that auto-correct? Cause I'm sure there isn't a character called Amber.... Posted over a year ago
ImaScrubbyScrub gave me props for my articles
Don't worry about it ;)

I don't know if I've mentioned this... But I. HATE. OZ. Actually, I strongly dislike the main trio :P Of course, I respect your opinion though. Echo is adorable, but she's not one of my favorites... I actually prefer Sharon more even though she's kinda... irrelevant. I guess it's only because of the relationship she has with Break (Geez, I'm obsessed.) What ep are you on? ^.^ Posted over a year ago
KyokoMagica42 gave me props for my videos
Hey! It's great that I'm finally able to meet you. I've heard some things about you from Scrubby, so I wanted to talk to you. She said that we have a lot in common ^.^ And we both (arguably) have the same favorite anime character! Kyoko Sakura - Puella Magi Madoka Magica, right? Posted over a year ago
ImaScrubbyScrub gave me props for my images
But in this case it's good, cause *cough* Manga likes slaughtering people *cough*

Yeah, I know~ And you should too. I'm just being negative about it :P Posted over a year ago
ImaScrubbyScrub gave me props for my videos
The only redeeming thing about the anime is that everyone survives T_T Posted over a year ago
ImaScrubbyScrub gave me props for my articles
Yeah I know :P Anime is still worth a watch regardless. Just would've been a masterpiece if they made it like the manga. Also~ For some reason, the anime art puts highlights in character's hair and changes their face a bit and I don't really like it >.< Example: Break is a lot hotter in the manga than anime. Just saying c: Example 2: Break's hair is white.... In the anime, Break's hair is white with purple highlights... No... just nooo Posted over a year ago
ImaScrubbyScrub gave me props for my images
The... anime... is... trash...

Ok, the anime overall is decent when compared with other animes, but the anime is trash when compared to the manga.

Sorry ^^' mini rant done~ Posted over a year ago