My Wall

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mia444 gave me props for my images
Hey girl what's up? Will you join my new club's please? They are for everyone that loves Edward and Bella and the whole Twilight Saga, I just added you btw will you add me back plz? The link's are link. And link. Thank you, & have a great day, love Mia Posted over a year ago
And I know whatever comes in the future, she will never let me down. :)
Now I am so sorry guys if I bothered somebody with what I said but I just had to speak up.
And sorry I filled the wall with my posts but I had to put it over here. Posted over a year ago
cassie-1-2-3 commented…
Lol, writing an article would have probably been a better decision. over a year ago
BBGirlRobsten commented…
yeah I know that's why I said sorry. But my dumb computer wouldn't let me post an article. Sorry :) over a year ago
Even if tomorrow or the day after tomorrow Kristen or Robert will officially declare that this is all true, I will never turn my back on Kristen. I would be disappointed of course, but I would never stop being her number one fan. I will still follow her career, her personal life, her interviews and appearances, everything. And so should you if you really are true fans. Even if let’s say she made this mistake, I know she hasn’t changed, I know she is the same girl I always admired and loved. Posted over a year ago
LILYLOVES1D commented…
I feel like some peops are sooo mean to Hera, over a year ago
Just to get past the other option, that this is true, I will say: ok, let’s say that by I don’t know what crazy reason she did it. Does this still give us the right to judge? No, I don’t think so. If she did it, I’m sure she had her reasons and her issues, but we are no one to judge because we all make mistakes that’s for sure. The only difference is that our mistakes are not made public and so we think we are less condemnable. Posted over a year ago
Until then just wait, and trust her, and support her, do not let anyone talk poorly of her. Remember she is our baby girl; she is the same sweet, shy girl that we know. Nothing has changed and people will always be cruel and will always make up stuff. And they only do that because they see people believe so easily. So you guys just have faith and believe in Kristen and in Robert! Posted over a year ago
She cares, she cares too much and people are letting her down right now. That’s not the way to go. I want to ask all of you guys who read this something. Don’t believe everything you see or read in the press, don’t be so quick on judging (I bet if you were her you wouldn’t want to be judged either), wait to see what happens, wait until Kristen or Rob or someone close to them will make an OFFICIAL declaration. Posted over a year ago
. She has been my role model for a long time now and I never thought I would find someone who is exactly like me. She may act like she doesn’t care sometimes but that’s only a wall to keep haters and paparazzi away and like she said: ‘I hate it when they say I don’t give a shit, because nobody cares more than I do. I’m telling you, I don’t know anybody who does this that gives a shit more than I do.’ Posted over a year ago
All she ever did was be sweet and honest with us, giving us her talent on a golden plate, running and trying to avoid paparazzi just to sign some autographs, meeting fans and talking to them, making us laugh with her natural humor and sarcasm and sharing everything with us. She loves what she does and she loves her fans and it’s so cruel that people treat her like that. Posted over a year ago
Just look closely at the details and you will see what I mean. There are a lot of things that don’t add up to this story. Of course, Kristen’s fake fans and mostly her haters rushed into believing everything and calling her all sorts of things. It’s sad to see everybody turn his back on her. She does not deserve that. Posted over a year ago
friends_4_ever commented…
I know wish that all the people stand by her! over a year ago
Do you think that if all of this were true she would just keep doing it and laughing knowing that the paparazzi will expose the pictures and her life will be ruined? No, of course not. She would have run like hell. Not to mention the fact that several pics really, really looked photo shopped. Like the ones in the car. We’ve all seen pics of Kristen’s car and we know it does not look completely like that. And the photos where he is hugging her, they also look messed up. Just check them. Posted over a year ago