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Angelizhere said about Damon & Bonnie
OMG!!! I knew Damon would eat his words! Im so happy I can't even breath. Bamon is happening guys. Can you believe it?!?! Posted over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
*highfives* Love everything u said! over a year ago
amberausten7 commented…
Yay!!! Love, love, love you...and Bamon too! xxx over a year ago
Wahinetoa commented…
amberausten, can I just say how much I love your bouncin' joy? You and Kind, and this international bamily community is second to none! Muah!! over a year ago
Angelizhere commented…
Love you guys. You've always given me hope throughout the seasons and now Bamon is finally happening! I'm so excited. Elena didn't say Damon cared, respected, or liked Bonnie, she said LOVE. And Bonnie said Damon was less horrible than usual a few episodes ago plus she returned the hug so I think she cares as much as he does. They are so made for each other and I think they will figure that out after they become friends. over a year ago
Angelizhere said about Damon & Bonnie
them both. His emotional reaction to supposedly caring about Bonnie is tied to Elena. That's so strange. The way his feelings for Bonnie led into the discussion about him not wanting to spend his life with Elena was absolutely bazaar to me. What does one have to do with the other...unless they are trying to tell us something. Otherwise Julie Plec is proving Bonnie fans write by having him emphasize how much he dilikes Bonnie 3 times. If this isn't leading to Bamon then JP needs serious help. Posted over a year ago
lacage0 commented…
exactly the anvil of the plot has been dropped why have damon protest so much and welcome I'm Lori everyone calls me lacage. Yes his reaction and then the not wanting to be human with dopple said alot and right after a meltdown about not caring about bonnie over a year ago
Angelizhere commented…
Hi Lori! Yeah every show I've seen where someone protests to much about caring for someone, they end up eating thier words. Either that or Julie Plec is being spiteful to Bamon fans. Im not sure that's it this time because Damon has said that before so the emphasis is strange. Like he spent so much of the episode talking about someone he doesnt care about, following her around, threatening the guy who betrayed her, lashing out on Elena and pushing her towards Stefan. Does he realize what his actions are saying? Does JP know the meaning of the word "indiffference"? Cause what Im getting from this is him being in denial. over a year ago
Angelizhere said about Damon & Bonnie
Hey all.I'm new here but I've been visiting this page for ages. You ca call me Angel. Anyway about last nights episode I have to say I found it odd how emotional Damon gets whenever someone says he cares for Bonnie. If he didn't care then why get so upset that he stalks Shane, nearly kills him, and then basically breaks up with Elena? He said he doesnt care about Bonnie but then he goes on to tell Elena he basically doesn't care about the future of their relationship. Seems like he cares about Posted over a year ago