My Wall

SimStars said …
I may be getting too excited (and spammy...) "Panoramatic! Working on a track called Fidget Brain. Martin is our leader! We are getting ourselves excited. Very. " :D:D:D:D Posted over a year ago
SimStars said …
This: :D link Posted over a year ago
SimStars said …
Courtesy of NaNoWriMo twitter: "You don’t NEED a plot before you write a novel, nor do you need an evocative sense of place or a winsome, engaging cast." #nanoprep (of course, you have a winsome engaging cast, but "no plot, no problem") :) Posted over a year ago
Aloujay commented…
Excellent. Although, I do think that I may still want to come up with a vague outline for it because I don't want to ruin it for myself by having good (or at least okay) concepts and characters and then ruining it all with the weirdest, most disconnected (and probably rather cliched and non-sensical) plot D: ...but as long as I have a very vague idea, things should be just fine >:) over a year ago
Aloujay commented…
So, (I keep forgetting that when you press enter it leaves the comment rather than making a new paragraph) thanks for the extra info. Tis very much appreciated. I take it that you're planning on talking part in the NaNoWriMo as well. Have you got any ideas so far? P: over a year ago
SimStars commented…
Hehe, that's the spirit of NaNo! Nonsensical plot + bad grammar but a story by the end :p :D (I get the enter thing too, and you can't see what you've already typed ... ) It seemed relvant :p And no, i don't think I will this year. i have no story. If I did it'd probably end up as some attempt at fanfiction ... I need to finish my Old story really... I guess I should stop bugging you to do it when I can't even muster up the motivation myself :p ... Although the NaNo twitter + motivational emails are nice even when you're not actually taking part :) over a year ago
SimStars said …
You may have already seen this but halloween portal masks : link :D Posted over a year ago
Aloujay commented…
No I han't already seen it :D:D:D:D:D Thankyou so much for linking it!!!! ^^ Hehehehehe....I want them all!! >:D over a year ago
SimStars commented…
=D They're so cool :) over a year ago
SimStars said …
link This is the animation :D Posted over a year ago
Aloujay commented…
AHHH!! OHMYOHMYOHMY!!! :D That was amazing and just so- SQUEE!! ^^ Hehehe...Oh, Portal...why are you so brilliant ;) over a year ago
SimStars said …
ummm... link I think Irwin's in this picture... or something... (my brain is kinda scarred from looking at it so I don't really know why I'm posting it here (but it is safe for work :p)) Posted over a year ago
SimStars said …
link here you go :) Posted over a year ago
SimStars said …
The Hoosiers ‏@thehoosiersuk
Good luck to all you gcse'ers today and remember gettin an A* in love-ology is the only thing that matters. (from twitter, I thought you'd appreciate it!) :D Posted over a year ago
Aloujay commented…
:D Aww...They really are too awesome, aren't they? :D over a year ago
SimStars said …
hehehe just found the cd on which I gave you some of the hoosiers recordings :D Which reminds me - how are you? I haven't seen anyone from school in ages it seems! :( Posted over a year ago
Aloujay commented…
:P I'm okay :D I've just got back from our holiday at the beach! I'm completely off my crutches now (finally!) so I'm pretty pleased about that :3 How'bout you? Are you having a good summer? Done much bridging work yet P: over a year ago
SimStars commented…
Oo-er - which beach?? Yay! It's a miracle - she can walk :D I'm vaguely tired, but otherwise Good - and summer has been brilliant (or even Braziliant.... [...]) I've done my maths, and started the physics (which is reading so we're a-ok on that front!) How 'bout you?? Spod was getting confused over where troy was... over a year ago
SimStars commented…
Irwin... He just tends to sign his tweets with an upper case i but due to the bad font on this website it looks like and L :p over a year ago
SimStars said …
Holy cobfish: link It's matsuda! :P :D Posted over a year ago
Aloujay commented…
MATSUI!!!! :3 And he won! :D YAY! over a year ago