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Forever in Your Mind the Band

Does anyone know for sure is this band still on hiatus, or did they already agreed on disbanding? Is FIYM still active in 2020 or not?

No one has answered this question yet.

How come we don't get any notification at all when we lose a fan on this site?

1 fan has answered this question

How come so many clubs on this site are being last updated over a year ago?

3 answers | Best Answer: Because this site is dying and there's no one aroun...
Forever in Your Mind the Band

Should there be like a Forever *on* Your Mind and not Forever *in* Your Mind?

1 fan has answered this question

Is this site really a HTTPS, or is it just some plain old HTTP site?

2 fans have answered this question
Rap and Hip-Hop

How come nobody likes Becky G?!? I don't get it! She can't be all that bad!

No one has answered this question yet.

What's wrong with this site? Now I can't even attach a simple URL to my own wall! Can somebody help me with that? Thanks.

1 fan has answered this question

How come nobody on this site seem to like some good old-fashioned rap music?

2 fans have answered this question