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Top 10 X-Men In Need of a Change



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Interesting article
posted over a year ago.
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I didn't agree with all of it but they made some good points.
posted over a year ago.
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I agree with some of their points, but others just left me asking WHY?

I do like that they didn't just go straight to Cyke bashing, but I think the wish of him joining the Avengers looks extremely unlikely now.

I've been saying for YEARS that Wolverine needs to be taken out of the spolight for a long, LONG time. Sure, he's an interesting character, but having him in the spotlight so much has taken away from every character he's been along side, rarely adding anything positive to them unless it's forced.

I would love to see Iceman get some more face time, and I've also been waiting for Kitty to do something...worth while for a while now, and hope that that wish will soon be fulfilled. They have quite the opening with this new story arch, and let's hope they don't waste it promoting only a few characters.
posted over a year ago.
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No I don't think Scott will be working with the Avengers anytime soon though he probably has a better chance of joining than Cable. Pretty much everyone who's not a Wolverine fan boy or girl agrees he should be taken out of the spotlight. Let him go solo for a while. Of course he is doing a good job at the institute so maybe it can wait a little while.

I think Kitty has been doing well as headmistress and I want to see more of her in this role. I also want her and Piotr's schism choices to be addressed in depth. Bobby has never really done too much so hopefully he'll get to do something soon
posted over a year ago.