The X-Files 20 Questions

ebathory posted on Nov 17, 2008 at 02:30PM
Ok, I don't know if anyone will play this with me because this spot isn't as populated as some of the others where this game is played, but I thought 'what the hell'.

One person thinks of a person(in this case can also be monster/being of unknown origin lol) or thing or place from the X-Files, and other poppers have to guess what it is with 20 yes or no questions....

It's pretty straight forward, but is heaps of fun!

The X-Files 301 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 301

over a year ago BeSafe said…

4) Hmmm yes you would, but it isn't restricted to that area, if that makes sense...
over a year ago leverage1 said…
haha welcome back ebathory! Haha
over a year ago leverage1 said…
so its in the FBI headquarters?
over a year ago BeSafe said…
5) This thing can be in FBI headquarters, but it can go anywhere else too...
over a year ago ebathory said…
Hey there thanks leverage!

Wow BeSafe, I am totally confused... Good choice!

Ok, is it something you could wear?
over a year ago leverage1 said…
just a quick guess. Gotta get it out of my head.
Is it the I Want to Believe poster?
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Thanx ebathory!!!!

5) Yes it is possible to wear this...good question!
6) No it isn't the I Want to Believe poster, but good guess leverage!
over a year ago ebathory said…
Lol, that's what I was kinda thinking leverage!

Ok, is it used by people who have bad eyesight? (Lol I'm subtle...)
over a year ago leverage1 said…
ebathory u got this right!!!
can't think of anything else
over a year ago BeSafe said…

7) I see where you are going with this, but nope ebathory it has nothing to do with eyesight...:)
over a year ago leverage1 said…
is it jewlary?
over a year ago BeSafe said…
8) Nope it isn't jewelry...good guess though.
over a year ago ebathory said…
Damn! Oh well, still thinking...

Does it belong to Mulder?
over a year ago leverage1 said…
feminine or masculine product?
btw sorry I spelled jewelry wrong.
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Okay so I don't think I'm good at expaining...anyway...:)

9) Yes Mulder is in possesion of ONE of these things.
10) And it really is gender neutral, and don't worry about spelling I suck at it!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago leverage1 said…
man this is a tuffy!haha
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Yay I'm proud...:)
over a year ago leverage1 said…
his badge?
over a year ago ebathory said…
Ok, so (I'm just clarifying here) this object is not specific to just one object? Like, rather than (for example) Mulder's glasses it could be glasses in general?
over a year ago BeSafe said…

11) Yes leverage your right, well not Mulders badge in particular, but the FBI badges they carry around with them!!!!

(Yes ebathory I meant in general, sorry not to be clear...)
over a year ago leverage1 said…
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Yep your turn...:D
over a year ago leverage1 said…
ok. Its a thing(s)
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Another thing...hmmm is this thing important?
over a year ago leverage1 said…
1)sort of. to a main character
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Interesting okay so is this important thing one solid color? (that is kind of random...LOL)
over a year ago leverage1 said…
good question!but I have another horrible answer
2)sort of
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Oh gosh, this is a difficult one...

Is it something from childhood? (does that make sense)?
over a year ago leverage1 said…
3) yes (its not the exact thing(s), but it actually makes perfect sense)
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Okay wow so I'm kind of at a loss...I really have no idea what to ask...

Is this important to Mulder?
over a year ago leverage1 said…
4) hmmmmmm.....yes.....
it sounds like your getting warmer
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Really am I? I am kind of guessing randomly here...:)

Hmmm okay so...hmmmm can it be worn?
over a year ago leverage1 said…
5) nope
haha unless its for halloween and u just happen 2 find a costume that matches this object.
no offense if u dont celebrate halloween
over a year ago BeSafe said…
LOL I totally celebrate Halloween, but thanx...:)
And I'm getting are good!!!!

Does it pertain to Samantha in any way?
over a year ago leverage1 said…
6) no
well its not like of any value to Mulder but he uses it a lot
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Okay so I feel like it's in my brain but I can't figure it out you know, and then when I do, I'll be like OMG that was soooo freakin' obvious...anyway.

Okay is it edible?
over a year ago leverage1 said…
7)no.....unless your kind of crazy.
again no offense
over a year ago BeSafe said…
LOL gosh darnit for a second I thought I had it...and no worries I'm a tad bit nuts, but only a tad bit...:)

Hmmmmmmmm okay can it be used for decoration?
over a year ago leverage1 said…
wait actually no. i guess its kind of edible since i sort of chew on it sometimes
over a year ago leverage1 said…
but u could i guess but i havent heard of it being done.
im talking about the decoration one
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Okay so I'm just going to come out and say my original guess, back when I thought I had it to get that out of the way, is is Sunflower Seeds?
over a year ago leverage1 said…
9) no.
but that is a really good guess!!
and your on the right track
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Hmm I figured it was wrong but I'm glad I'm on the right track...:)

Hmmm thinking random guess, pencils...LOL...I'm at a loss...
over a year ago leverage1 said…
haha :) feel free to guess!!!!!
over a year ago BeSafe said…
Okeydokey I'm guessing pencils?!
over a year ago leverage1 said…
Yes !!!!
over a year ago BeSafe said…
OMG really wow!!!!!!! Yay that was a really good one leverage!!!!

My turn again, YAY, hmmm okeydokey I'm thinking of a person...:)
over a year ago leverage1 said…
male or female?
over a year ago BeSafe said…
1)This person is male...:)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago leverage1 said…
is he in many episodes?