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Craving more Walking Dead? Which gaming tie-in can fill the zombie-shaped hole?

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has shuffled off our screens until next February, leaving fans with a zombie-sized hole to fill. But fret not: there\'s a groaning horde of 
video games for you to sink your teeth into in the meantime.
But be warned: for every tender cut of Telltale storytelling, there\'s a rotten slice of
gaming fix, here\'s a round-up of the hits and misses.
tells the events that unfold shortly after the zombie outbreak. It takes place from the perspective of newcomers Lee Everett - a university lecturer turned convicted felon - during Season One, and Clementine - a vulnerable girl who Lee initially takes under his wing - in Season Two. 
Taking the guise of an interactive graphic novel, Telltale\'s
is, in essence, a stylised evolution of a point-and-click adventure game. When the undead aren\'t trying to rip your guts from your midriff, this game is hell-bent on forcing gut-wrenching decisions upon you. Getting out alive is a challenge, getting out with dry eyes is impossible.
How faithful is it? Although based in the same universe as the comic book series, the majority of the survivors debutantes Lee and Clementine encounter are original to the game. However, there are a few familiar faces along the way.
, a DLC pack released between the two main series entries, explores the tales of other surviving characters in a timeline that runs concurrent to Season One.    
Is it any good? Yes! Yes, yes, yes. Delivered with the precision of a cool, calm and incisive screwdriver to the rotting skull of a depraved Walker, Telltale\'s take on the zombie apocalypse is not only one of the best narrative-led interactive adventure games on the market, it won a stack of awards to boot. 
While its story is engaging and intriguing, the way in which it incorporates its on-the-spot decision-making mechanic adds immediacy to its narrative. It forces players to make choices that are often driven by emotion, not logic. "So and so will remember this…" is a sentence that will haunt you in your sleep.   
What is it? A first-person shooter based on AMC\'s television show from the same folks that publish the
series (Activision) and the same team that developed the generally well-received
video game of 2009 (Terminal Reality). In a storyline preceding Rick and co\'s entrance to the outbreak,
follows Daryl and Merle Dixon as they manage resources, survivors and the road less travelled. Sound interesting? It\'s not.
isn\'t very faithful to the comic book series at all, it is to the television show. Not only does it follow Daryl Dixon and his brother Merle, it even features Bear McCreary\'s synonymous theme tune at the start. That said, the game is a prequel to the events on the show, thus the characters and locations uncovered by the travelling brothers are unique to this experience.
Is it any good? Aw hell naw! It\'s awful. Really, really awful. From the clunky controls, to the dated PS2-era visuals; from the muted tin-can sound effects, to the monotonous scripting. This game should be avoided like, well, the terrifying plague it so lazily tries to portray. There aren\'t many things that you\'d claim to be worse than the outbreak of an actual real life zombie apocalypse. Without doubt,
What is it? A monochromatic top-down strategy-cum-shooter which sees you guide a team of four through zones of zombie-infested streets, buildings and compounds. It\'s available on mobile devices which suits the format and planning elements of the game well.
is produced by Skybound Entertainment itself (Robert Kirkman\'s company), thus is very similar to the comic books. So much so that it begins with Rick Grimes waking up in hospital at the beginning of the outbreak before attempting to piece together the chaos that has ensued since he was last conscious. The game\'s black and white aesthetic lends it a comparable look to the comics too.   
Is it any good? For the most part, yes. Besides an at times frustratingly stupid AI - and the general irritation of its optional free-to-play extras -
is a very intuitive strategy game with a lot to offer. 
There\'s a tonne of running and gunning but it never feels overbearing, and each character at your disposal boasts expertise in set weaponry and skills. What\'s more, although relatively small in size, each respective zone offers multiple paths to reach success.
What is it? Red Bee Media\'s interactive Facebook app, published by television broadcaster AMC. By drawing information from players\' Facebook accounts,
dumps players into the midst of the zombie apocalypse, before locking them in a jail cell. Great! (Although arguably the best place to be during an outbreak...)
Playing as yourself, it\'s then up to you to sift through documents, dossiers, case files and computer data - all of which is laden with photos and messages from Facebook friends.
How faithful is it? Not very. You are the central character and your social media-formed friends, family and acquaintances are your co-stars.
license is the draw here, but any similarities to the comic or TV show end there.
is a neat idea, it\'s ultimately a licensed gimmick that uses the television show as bait to grab players\' attention. It\'s a marketing endeavour that will hold your interest for as long as it lasts (which isn\'t very long). And while likely to impress staunch fans of the show, it will probably fail to capture the rest. That said, it\'s free, so why not try it out for yourself?
What is it? A crossover between Team 17\'s prison break \'em up
comic/TV series. Um, yeah, it\'s a strange one. While slightly tenuous, the link here must be the fact that Rick and the gang take over an abandoned prison at one point in the comic and television series narrative. But, really, the correlation ends there. 
in that the roster of characters is present, you\'re defending a prison, and that there\'s, you know, a shed load of zombies. The similarities end there.
offered you a largely non-linear game about jailbreaking,
is about staying inside the safety of the prison. Before, breaking routine would get you a beat down from the guards, but now being late for supper allows zombies to breach the jail\'s perimeter. Which doesn\'t seem fair. It\'s not a bad game, but it all just feels a tad unnecessary. 
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