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Jeffrey Dean Morgan Joins Walking Dead Cast as... Infamous Villain Negan!

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘The Walking Dead’: Jeffrey Dean Morgan Cast as Negan in Season 6 | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
as one of the Biggest Bads of ’em all — dreaded comic book villain Negan.
Morgan’s killer of men is expected to debut toward the end of the AMC hit’s current sixth season (in other words, sometime this spring), and then return in Season 7 as a (likely) series regular.
Walking Dead Boss Tackles the Big Glenn Mystery, Offers ‘Definitive’ Answer About [Spoiler]
Morgan’s new gig isn’t expected to have an immediate impact on his
‘s annual production hiatus begins in late November and continues until late spring. That said, it seems unlikely that he would be able to bring his investigator character Jason back to the
next fall for a potential eighth season. (As it is, Morgan’s
would introduce Negan have been churning for several years now. A big reason the character has been the source of so much speculation is because [SPOILER ALERT] in Robert Kirkman
comic series he eventually murders Glenn. Of course, the current mystery surrounding Glenn’s fate (and Steven Yeun future with the series) adds a whole new wrinkle to the Negan storyline.
Walking Dead‘s Steven Yeun Dropped From Opening Credits
issued a casting notice for the role of “Orin,” an imposing, charismatic, brutal, frightening, ferocious and hilarious sociopath in his 30s to mid-40s that is both a leader (and killer) of men. When asked if “Orin” is actually “Negan,” showrunner Scott M. Gimple told me, “I can neither confirm nor deny,” before cheekily adding, “It’s not the
 guess in the world. It’s difficult to get around your logic here.”
Thoughts on the casting? Weird to think of JDM playing someone so… evil? Weigh in below!
NOOOOOOOO!!!!! Not Big Daddy Winchester!!!!! He’s a hero, not a villain!!!!!!
I don’t think I’ll be able to watch. He’s a talented actor though, so I know he’ll kill it.
I wouldn’t call John Winchester a hero, personally..
He was a harsh and abrasive, but he risked his life to save the lives of others on multiple occasions…the former doesn’t negate the latter.
John Winchester is a hero. He had a hell of a lot to deal with. His wife murdered, his kids in danger by the thing that killed their mother. Having to learn what it was and when he did how to fight it and all that after finding a way to accept that world was real and not just old wives tales. I think he did damn good with all he had thrown at him. And on top of that became the sole provider for a infant and a toddler. And yet he still managed to raise his boys to know right from wrong, how to say no and have the backbone to back it up not only in words but in other ways if necessary. He made sure that anything happened to him the boys could take care of themselves. He may not of been the 9-5 dad Sam wanted but if he had been Sam would ended up leading Lucifer’s army and John and Dean would dead.
What you call a hero I call a neglectful father. He put his sons in a life Mary never wanted for them, he moved them school to school- went missing for days at a time, sometimes months. Pushed his sons away in attempt to seem like a hero but in reality he was just selfish. Even though he “saved” dean it doesn’t mean anything because if he had done the right thing from the start this wouldn’t have even happened. He was a crap parent, but a great hunter.
Well, John Winchester probably saved hundreds of people during his career as a hunter. I’d say that makes him a hero.
Neither would I. I never cared for him. He was so distant (both physically and emotionally for a majority of the boys’ growing-up time that I didn’t care when he passed. It was the least he could do to save Dean.
I’m excited for this opportunity for him, but I am sure enjoying him on Good Wife!!
I like that Jeffrey Dean Morgan is joining The Walking Dead and it could be interesting to see how he is playing a villain.Plus i’m wondering if we won’t see his character until the final episode of the season and his first appearance could be the cliffhanger.
He played a villain in “The Salvation” and was very good. Guess I’m going to have to add “The Walking Dead” to my must watch list!
He may come in swiftly, like the swing of a baseball bat.
This is an outstanding casting choice! He’s going to be fantastic in this role! While he’ll always be Denny (and Papa Winchester) to me, he’s got a great physical presence that I think will be perfect for this role! Well done AMC and TWD producers!
OHMIGAWD! I don’t think they could pick anyone better to play this role because I literally picture Jeffrey Dean Morgan when I’m reading Negan.
I think Bruce Campbell would have been the perfect choice, but Morgan is a pretty good choice as well!
I don’t see how this wonderful man is going to make it possible for me to hate Negan but he’s welcome to try. Seriously, Denny Duquette/John Winchester murdering people with a razor-write baseball bat? I’m already gonna cry, but bring it on.
If the portrayer of Denny Duquette can make us hate him, then it’s a tribute to his acting skills. But I’m totally loving this casting!
Agreed, as Negan is the worst human being in Walking Dead history, this will be a major, major role for him. Not that we’ve ever needed to verify or justify his acting skills, already know he’s amazing which is one of the reasons I love him. I’m as excited about this as I am worried about hating Negan for what I believe he’s going to do, even though it’ll be in the body of Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
Arguably, Negan is a charming villain. You might just [sadly] like him in spite of what he’s capable of. But I do say “might,” because maybe I’m just that messed up! :)
Check out Watchmen. Denny was a dreamboat, John Winchester was a hero/kinda alright dad, but The Comedian was a rough tough douchebag. JDM is such a versatile actor and will totally kill it as Negan.
He was fantastic on the Watchmen! He also starred in a now cancelled show called Magic City. He is an amazing actor, and extremely easy on the eyes!
I’ll definitely hate seeing him as a bad guy! But this should be fun to watch, too. :)
I had to clap my hand over myself to keep myself from squeeling with delight right in my office! LOL! Love this!
Full disclosure: I haven’t read the comics, I only watch the show. But I obviously read enough about TWD universe to think that this is a perfect casting choice.
I’m excited and terrified for my faves at the same time.
The Good Wife can’t keep introducing random love interests for Alicia. Johnny, Finn, and now Jason are all just going to disappear. They have to lock someone down.
There’s always Peter. Maybe they should go on a trip to Paris…
Not sure how I feel about this. I love him as an actor so good. But he is John Winchester, maybe not the best person, but still Sam and Dean’s dad as a villain, so bad. It will be great seeing him on a show I watch again, so good. But this gives him another reason why he can’t come back on SPN, so bad. I have a headache.
I’m guessing none of you have seen Watchmen. Then you could really instead why he’s a fantastic choice.
That’s exactly what I was thinking. He’said going to be fantastic.
Watchmen, Salvation. You want to talk creepy the Resident where he costarred with Christopher Lee and Hilary Swank. He owns abuilding Swank moves into and he goes all fatal attraction on her. *SHIVER* I admit though I’ll always see him as John Winchester.
If he’s not gone yet, it was good knowing you Glenn. Good casting choice for Negan. Sounds awesome.
None of the main characters on the show have died the same way they died in the comics, so I really hope that won’t happen to Glenn. It would be nice if he could live to see his baby’s birth.
Ooh, great casting! I hate to admit it, but this is one of those instances where a fictional character whose responsible for some really terrible things is still someone whose arc I find integral and intriguing. Like, I seriously feel a tad guilty for wanting Negan storylines in the comic and onscreen, whereas separating real world morality/personal viewpoints and fiction normally presents little/no issue in what I read, view, and listen to for leisure activities.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan has got the right balance of Negan’s ruggedness, street smarts, charm, wit, and that twinkle/look in his eye that says “I can flip the switch (or Lucille) at any point.” If anyone thinks that last part doesn’t apply, check out The Good Wife – they’re playing around with a similar idea for the character he portrays there.
Noooooooooooo. I want his character to stay on “The Good Wife.”
Great Casting imo. Really excited about this
The only reason I’m sticking with the Good Wife was for Jeffrey Dean Morgan. After they killed Will off I was about done with the show. I’m getting sick of the story line. Can’t stand Peter, never could. If JDM goes, so do I.
I literally “woah”ed out loud at work when I read this. Will be seriously interesting to see an actor I love play a character like that.
How are they going to really capture Negan on AMC is the question… That guy is almost too much for HBO and Showtime lol
Big fan of JDM. He is a great actor and I am excited to see him get to play the villian.
When I heard Jeffrey Dean Morgan was going to play the new villain (which I was already looking forward to being introduced) I got super excited. He’s my favorite in everything I’ve seen him in. I can’t wait until Negan shows up.
This is the best news he will be awesome in the role!!!!
Wow! Big Daddy Winchester is now the biggest bad on The Walking Dead! (And yes, it’s going to be hard to see him swinging Lucille.)
I like the casting, but I love him on The Good Wife! I’m torn!
I always pictured Jon Hamm as Negan when I read the comics, but this is a great choice. He was perfect as the Comedian in Watchmen.
So I am guessing glen is alive, because negan brutally kills him in front of Maggie and Rick ughhhh!!!
Seriously?!? Why do people who read the comics feel the need to spoil this stuff for people. Feel cool now??
Not John Winchester! Come on, I’m still hoping for him to go back to Supernatural. He’s a hero.
Good idea for him to get a regular gig; God only knows what would happen if he got on the bad side of Margulies!!!
Any Jeffrey Dean Morgan on my screen is a good thing.
Shoot that is cool choice but just saying id would work for free on that show its the best hint hint if you need more talent im able &willing.hope they dnt kill glenn he will have a baby soon
Yeah, but side note what ever happened to Magic City the movie. Did that fall through.
I quit The Walking Dead halfway through the second year. I guess I’ll have to come back for the 7th year. Love Jeffrey Dean Morgan, hero or villain.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan is AWESOME in badass roles. I’m going to enjoy watching him work with this character over a season, even though he’s the baddest of the bad.
Are you saying John Winchester is going to kill Glenn? (for real this time)???
I am so looking forward to him playing Negan. I think he’ll be awesome.
Here’s hoping he’ll sign on for Walker Stalker Con in Atlanta 2016!!!!!
OMG I’ve never been happier! Such a good casting choice, and JDM kills every role he’s every been in. I cannot wait to meet Negan! :)
The Good Wife’s LOSS is The Walking Dead’s Gain. He is an amazing actor and I cannot believe that The Good Wide did NOT sign keep him for next season. They made the same idiotic decision that Greys Anatomy did when they killed his character.
Oh, no! I don’t want Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s character leaving The Good Wife. He absolutely has made this season for me! I didn’t think I’d like him replacing Calinda. I was wrong. He is excellent! Hoping he is able to do both series!
I am just going to say this, I don’t believe Glenn is dead! Even though it would have been impossible for him to have gotten away( even if the person being torn apart was Nicholas on top of Glenn) I think they are going to come up with some way for him to still be alive! Even though it would be unrealistic to do it, sense he couldn’t have crawled away while they were eating Nicholas, because not all those Walkers would have just kept trying to get some of Nicholas, when they’re was some fresh meat crawling away! The only possible way he could have even a small chance of getting away, would be if someone else came along with a gun and started mowing the Walkers down! But, if they do have him be dead now, then we have to worry about who is going to take his place with Negan! Even if he is somehow alive, they may have someone else get killed by Negan instead of Glenn, like Maggie, whether he’s dead or alive, they may replace him with her! Though I would hope that maybe they wouldn’t now that they made Maggie pregnant! But that still leaves plenty of other beloved characters to kill!
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