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Every Time Daryl Dixon Rode His Motorcycle Into Our Hearts

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Every Time Daryl Dixon Rode His Motorcycle Into Our Hearts
A celebration of \'The Walking Dead\'\'s most perfect couple.
Good things rarely last forever in the world of “The Walking Dead,” but for six glorious seasons, fans have been treated to one consistent and lasting source of joy: The sight of Daryl Dixon riding a hog through the zombie countryside.
Daryl and his bike just go together. They’re bros, best friends, soulmates. You know why Daryl has never hooked up with anyone in six seasons’ worth of zombie drama? Because he’s married to his motorcycle, that’s why, and never has there been a love more pure.
And in honor of what is, for real, one of the best relationships on “The Walking Dead,” here are the best Daryl Dixon motorcycle moments of all time.
From the moment Daryl and his bike played follow-the-leader with that RV, we knew they were meant to be.
Note the brilliant arrow-mounting job on the bike’s handlebars. That s–t is
Zombie America, meet your first post-apocalypse motorcycle pinup guy. Now Daryl, if you could just arch your back and thrust your buttocks skyward at a 45 degree angle…
Threading the needle is even more bad-ass when you’re doing it through a herd of the walking dead.
If Daryl and his bike are the perfect couple, this poncho was their beautiful love child.
Every rev of that engine makes a vibration down in your soul, and probably also your pants.
Aaaaand all your weird Pied Piper fantasies just came true. No,
And while we still have years to go before “The Walking Dead” airs its last episode ever, we’re just saying: If they decide to end it all with Daryl Dixon riding off on his motorcycle into the sunset, nobody would complain.
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