Teen Pregnancy Club
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SETTING: The Davis’s
*Eliana and Alikait Davis, Tuesday Blevins are lying upside in the floor, watching Twilight. It’s their sleepover night that they have on every Saturday*
Eliana: So it’s December, and it’s the first weekend of Holiday Break. Cheers!
*The girls “toast” their strawberries and eat them*
ALL: Cheers!
Alikait: *Sighs* I’m gonna miss Tyner, he and Leilani are going to some January Fest after New Year’s.
Eliana: What’s January Fest?
Alikait: Tyner and Leilani’s excuse to go and have sex at a ski resort
Eliana: No seriously
Alikait: Music festival. But they are going...
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For many women the financial burden that comes with an unplanned pregnancy is enough make them choose to terminate the pregnancy. What many women don't know is that there are many organizations that offer financial assistance during pregnancy. From prenatal care to covering the cost of food and material items for you and your baby, there are plenty of places to get money during pregnancy.


One of the first places to seek financial assistance during pregnancy is WIC (Women, Infants and Children). This program doesn't give you money during pregnancy but instead gives you coupons for free food....
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posted by cici1264
If you are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, chances are you are in need of some help. Whether it be emotional support, advice, medical attention, financial help or something else, there are many resources at your disposal. Many places offer help various forms of help during pregnancy. From your doctor to your church, the options are numerous.
Medical Attention

One of the first things you need to do when you are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy is seek medical attention. Prenatal care is of the utmost importance. There are many clinics and doctors that provide women with help during pregnancy....
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Pregnancy is a time of change. Not only will your body change, but so will your emotions. You may find that your feelings and emotions intensify and leave you and your loved ones baffled. Feelings of inadequacy and depression are not unusual--one reason being the constant change of hormones that are needed to create another human life. The first step to overcome these negative emotions is to understand them primarily, and then work through them to a better understanding of yourself and your capabilities as a mother and person.

Antepartum depression is not as commonly mentioned as postpartum...
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posted by cici1264
Many women over the course of history have asked the question, "Am I pregnant?" Some were purposefully trying to conceive a child while others entertained the thought with a bit of fear and trepidation as they hadn't been planning such a life-changing event. Whatever the case, the question itself can be just as confusing and worrisome for any woman. The earliest signs of pregnancy are actually quite similar to the signs of an impending period. As such, many women are confused at first as to whether or not they are pregnant or just experiencing normal cycle issues.How then is a woman to know...
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posted by cici1264
Every school child knows that you need eggs and sperm to make a baby. However, we need to examine the basics in greater detail , so let's start by taking a guided tour of the reproductive system.

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The Reproductive System of a Woman

The sexual and reproductive organs on the outside of the body are called the external genitals. There are three openings in the genital area. In front is the urethra, from where urine comes out; below this is the opening to the vagina which is called the introitus ; and the third is the anus from where a bowel movement leaves the body.

The outer...
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posted by cici1264
For most women, pregnancy comes with headaches, backaches, body aches, swelling, and soreness--to name just a few. But not all pain medications are created equal--at least when it comes to medication and pregnancy. It really comes down to the question of whether the selected pain medication will harm the baby or the mother, and if it will relieve your ailment. First of all, the best advice is to talk with your doctor extensively before deciding on the best course of action. Your doctor will be able to guide you towards pain medication that is safe for you and your baby. The following list is...
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posted by cici1264
There are as many types of skin reactions during pregnancy as there are different types of skin. Some women get oilier, some dryer. Breakouts may become more frequent or disappear entirely. Hormones do all kinds of crazy things, and the skin is most certainly not immune to their effects. For most women, their skin will revert to its pre-pregnancy condition eventually. If the changes are particularly problematic for you, there may be things you can do. Since there is no such thing as One-Size-Fits-All when it comes to pregnancy skin, let's break it down by each common problem.Oiliness / Dryness...
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posted by cici1264
There are many different home pregnancy tests on the market today, ranging from extremely inexpensive to about $20. The price of the test typically depends upon the brand as well as the number of tests that come with the box.

Regardless of brand, most home pregnancy tests work in the same way. The purpose behind the test is to determine whether the pregnancy hormone is present in the urine or not. While most home pregnancy tests work by holding a special stick in the urine stream, there are also some tests that work by collecting urine inside a special cup and then dipping a special stick into...
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You may hear a lot about 'safe sex', however, there is absolutely no foolproof method or trick to pregnancy prevention other than abstinence (not entering into sexual contact). Abstinence is the only way proven to work and never fails as a birth control technique. Birth control pills and other devices, the rhythm method, and the use of condoms may seem like the perfect birth control routines, but none of these methods is certain to prevent pregnancy.

Abstinence costs nothing; it just takes self-control. It is very effective and practical.

Sex is the most individual gift you can give a man. Despite the popular idea that "everybody is doing it", that is not the truth. There are many teens and even older adults waiting until marriage to engage in sex. Do not feel pressured to have sex. Sex can lead to emotional stress, regrets, and sexually transmitted diseases. Protect yourself and your heart.
When it comes to teen pregnancies, there is a greater risk of complication for both the mother and child. However, this risk is commonly experienced by younger teens, because their bodies have not yet fully physically developed and they usually have poor nutrition. These teens generally suffer the worst complications, such as severe anemia and hypertension due to pregnancy. However, the baby often suffers the most problems.
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* The baby may be born premature.
* The baby can suffer from low birth weight, with difficulty gaining weight after delivery.
* The baby can suffer from mental retardation or brain damage.
* The baby could also be stillborn (born dead).
posted by cici1264
You used to take a magazine with you to the bathroom, but since you got pregnant, you've moved on to novellas. War and Peace is starting to show some appeal, in fact. Thanks to your change in diet, your vitamin and mineral supplements, and the fact that baby-dearest has the lion's share of the real estate in your abdomen, things just aren't quite moving around in your bowels the way they used to. This is a normal and common part of pregnancy, but that doesn't make it any more pleasant to deal with.Luckily, there are some ways in which you may be able to make yourself more comfortable. The biggest...
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posted by cici1264
Okay, so you have taken a home pregnancy test and the result is positive. Now what? What happens next? You are probably facing an overwhelming amount of emotions at this time. If you have been planning this pregnancy, then there is probably unspeakable amounts of joy. If this is an unplanned pregnancy then there is probably some concern and worry regarding the future and the options that are available to you. Regardless of whether this is a planned or unplanned pregnancy, the next step is to contact a physician.When you make the appointment, you should be prepared to complete a fair amount...
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posted by cici1264
Hemorrhoids certainly aren’t the most pleasant of topics, nor the most glamorous aspect of pregnancy. Yet, it is a common reality for many pregnant women. The weight gain, the shift in center of gravity, and the increase in blood volume share the blame for this unpleasantness. But what are hemorrhoids? Basically, they are a swelling around the anus, either inside or out, which can cause itching, irritation, and soreness. They are aggravated by straining, heavy lifting, and sitting too much, but they are essentially caused by swollen blood vessels in the rectal area.Witch Hazel: The best way...
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When a teen is pregnant and decides to have a child, it's likely that she'll be thinking about how things will change once the baby is born. She'll have to plan for her social life to take a serious slowdown, and any money she’s got will go straight into the diaper fund.

But what a woman does during her pregnancy is just as important as what she does once the baby is born. Unfortunately, one-third of pregnant teens do not receive adequate prenatal care, which means their babies are more likely to have low birth weight and childhood health problems. Low birth weight babies may face serious...
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posted by cici1264
Pregnancy is a time of change and growth for you and your baby. It is a time to nourish and connect with your growing child. Pregnancy can be a beautiful and unique experience--allowing women to better understand their bodies' capabilities and emotional strengths. Along with this beautiful experience, pregnancy comes with a differing range of positive and negative bodily, emotional, and hormonal changes.

Many first time mothers know the basics of how their bodies and emotions will change. But, there are several topics that don't get as much attention as your stomach growing and the increased...
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posted by cici1264
Dealing with an unplanned pregnancy can be very difficult. The decisions you have to make will alter the course of your life and the lives of those around you. To make matters more interesting, it is not uncommon for this to be the first major decision a woman is faced with regarding her health and the direction her life is going.

When you learn you are pregnant, you have three options for dealing with your pregnancy. You can keep the baby, place your child for adoption or you can terminate your pregnancy. These are not easy choices to make. Each one of these options has repercussions. For this...
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posted by cici1264
A disclaimer: The author is not a doctor, nor an authority on medical or pregnancy-related matters. The following is based on her own experiences and research.

For many women, one of the first questions asked at the initial prenatal visit is: what can I or can't I do, now that I'm pregnant? This can be broken down into numerous, more specific questions. What can I eat? What exercises can I do? Is sex still safe? etc. Remember as you read this that pregnancy is a natural and normal process, so try not to worry too much about every little bite of food you eat, the weight you might lift, or toxins...
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Pregnancy is a wonderful thing, and every part is something special that should be enjoyed, despite any discomforts. You are carrying a child, and he/she is growing inside of you. As each month passes, you and your child will be growing together. Here are some things to look forward to and/or expect.
During the First Trimester (3-12 Weeks)

* Frequent mood swings possible
* Fuller, sore breasts and darkening around nipples
* 3-5 pounds gained
* Fatigue, nausea, vomitting, headaches, dizziness
* Frequent urination and increase in vaginal discharge

Your Baby
* Hair growth begins
* Extremities, eyelids,...
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posted by cici1264
Whether your pregnancy was planned or it was a surprise, community resources are a fantastic medium to educate yourself and to analyze your situation. Various community resources can give you the support and knowledge you need to make an informed decision.

Counseling: There are many types of counseling available--all depending on your specific circumstance. Seeking counseling before, during, and after your decision is important. It will help you maintain a healthy mental state throughout the process; counselors are willing and eager to help you make peace with your decision.
* Options Counseling:...
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