Sword Art Online Alfheim Online (Rp)

Aigomiko posted on Dec 06, 2013 at 03:28PM
It is compatible with any version of the FullDive technology. The game features nine races of fairies, whose goal is to reach the top of the giant tree Yggdrasil, in order to meet the Fairy King Oberon. It was said that Oberon would turn the first starting race to reach the top of the World Tree into the legendary race of ALFs, with the ability to fly for unlimited time.

Instead of the level system that Sword Art Online emphasized, ALfheim Online pursues skill development and encourages killing other players. This kind of system tries to eliminate the enormous gap that exists on level-based games between new and old players.


Cait Sith : Skilled beast tamers with improved eyesight. They are recognizable through their cat ears and tails.
Hp: 250 (+ 25 per level)
Mp: 30 (+ 15 per level)

Gnome : Largest fairy race and users of the earth. They are styled in brown.
Hp: 300 (+ 30 per level)
Mp: 20 (+ 10 per level)

Imp : Masters of night, great night vision. They are styled in purple.
Hp: 225 (+ 25 per level)
Mp: 25 (+ 15 per level)

Leprechaun : Blacksmith race, their wings have a mechanical appearance.
Hp: 240 (+ 20 per level)
Mp: 10 (+ 15 per level)

Puca : Users of music which is used to confuse, attack, or support.
Hp: 210 (+ 15 per level)
Sp: 15 (+ 15 per level))

Salamander : Considered the strongest race in terms of attack, they have superior fire spells and are styled in red.
Hp: 400 (+ 40 per level)
Mp: 10 (+ 5 per level)

Spriggan : Masters of illusion and treasure seeking. They are styled in black.
Hp: 260 (+ 20 per level)
Mp: 20 (+ 15 per level)

Sylph : Considered the fastest race and users of wind, they are denoted by the color green regularly.
Hp: 230 (+ 15 per level)
Mp: 10 ( + 20 per level)

Undine : Healers and masters of water. They are styled in blue.
Hp: 200 (+ 10 per level)
Mp: 40 (+ 25 per level)

Spells can be customized and original, but it all relies on your level and the amount of Sp you put into it.

"-Bob- Begin chanting and poured all of his energy into this spell. Once he released it the wind dragon soared and pinned -Amy- against a wall and begin to tear her to shreds.

Hp: 800
Sp 500- 300 = 200"

The better your Rp during battle the higher the damage you'll do to the monster.

-Bob- Slashed -Amy-

Hp: 800-50 = 750

-Bob- decided to surprise his foe so he would fly above the clouds and would swoop down quickly then scooping upward and striking her in the back.

Hp: 800 - 100 = 700
Sp: 500

But this does not mean that a level 1 will be able to defeat a level 45 with one strike be realistic. When you strike a person they will do their own damage calculations. In case they counter or evade, but if you do this don't just say
"-Amy- Counters"
Do it well for it to succeed and do your damage calculations fairly if you're level 1 and a level 20 hits you don't take away 10 Hp take away like 100.














It is compatible with any version of the FullDive technology. The game features nine races of fairies
last edited on Dec 07, 2013 at 03:47PM

Sword Art Online 712 replies

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over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: .... There's got to be something we can use to finish it in one more hit.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Aigomiko: A strike that would deal over 2000 damage. That's unheard of. At least for players our level..
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: That's why we've got to be strategic about this... I mean it's not like a highly level player will just come to our rescue out of no where,
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Sei: So what should we do?

*As they spoke the creature returned to it's feet then began to bang on it's chest as it roared.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: We have to find the weakest point on it's body,
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Sei: Hmm
Aigomiko: I'm drawing a blank
Leafa: what could it be?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: Is there anything that stands out on either it's back or on its head?
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Aigomiko: I've got it! The sides of it's mouth isn't covered in that white rock like fur. It's his bare flesh!

Sei: But that mean's we'd have to get near it's mouth.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: Means we've only got one shot... We can't mess this up, not even a bit.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Leafa: Okay!
*She'd swoop in front of it and would begin slicing with her blade forcing gusts of air into the beast's eyes temporarily blinding it*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: Ready Sei?
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Sei: You betcha!

*He'd fly to the wailing beast and would jam his sword into the roof of it's mouth and would keep it's jaw extended to it's limit.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: Now do it!
*the Griffen flew up and released 3 light swords to attack the weak point*
SP: 140-85=55
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*Sei would fly out of the way before the blasts hit. As they struck the beams tore through his jaw and caused the top part of his head to completely fly off. Forcing his enormous body to burst into white smoke that covered the entire area.*

The World Eater
Hp: 0

*This would send a surge of EXP through every character leveling them up each by 3 levels.*

Aigomiko:....We did it...
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: Alright. Wonderful job everyone!
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Sei: That was unbelievable!
*He'd fly upwards in a circle with joy*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: Looks like another tough obstacle overcame.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Leafa: That was exceptional! We should do this more often!

Aigomiko: Wait! If that was the boss it would have said we completed the dungeon....was that really just a normal enemy in this place?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: Hang on... Crap, we beat a normal enemy...
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Aigomiko: If that was a normal enemy...we stand no chance against that boss.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: No way in hell.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Leafa: Should we just retreat?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: Hell yes.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*The group would fly out of the exit appearing outside in Sylph Territory. Their wings then collapsed from exhaustion.*
Aigomiko: God. If that would have happened back there we'd be dead.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: Yes.... We would've..
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Sei: *Gasping* So where're we off too next?
Leafa: Already thinking of the next mission?
Aigomiko: *Sigh* So much energy in such a frail body.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: Come on, we just beat something big as is, can't we rest?
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Sei: Fine.
*He'd sit with his arms crossed and Leafa and Aigomiko fell to the floor tired.*

Leafa: Hmm I'm hungry...

Aigomiko: I don't think we brought any food with us?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: No we did not.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Sei: Then what're we gonna do?
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: I don't know, I'm too tired from that enemy to think anymore.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Leafa: I haven't been flying as long as you guys. I can fly to town and try to get some food?

Aigomiko: That'd be great!

Sei: Yeah that'd be really cool of you.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: You are a saint.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*She'd fly off leaving the trio alone.*

Aigomiko: well that was exciting.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: Wasn't it, *laying back*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Sei: So...Leona...Do you want to um. Maybe adventure with me ...alone
*He'd stare at the ground while blushing.*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: Hm..... I dont know, you sure we can't bring Aigomiko with us. *she blushed*
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Sei:...Um..Sure...Sure it'll be fun.

Aigomiko: Yeah it'll be a great time.
*She'd roll her eyes*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: *sigh* Alright then, let's just wait for Leafa to get back first. Then we'll go our separate ways.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*A few moments later Leafa arrived with an inventory full of fruit.*
Leafa: I was flying to town when I saw a fruit patch. So I'd figure I'd save money if I just picked them and brought them back to eat.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: You are a complete saint ya know that?
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
*Leafa would laugh while the group began to pig out*
Aigomiko: Hahahaha I love this game. I can eat as much delicious food as I want and I won't gain a pound!
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: Heh, but it doesn't beat the baking you do in real life. I'll say that much.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Aigomiko: *Blushing* Well working at a bakery I have to know how to cook.

Sei: That's right your family does run a bakery. I think my mom buys cookies from you every other week.

Leafa: Wow a bakery that much be so much fun.

Aigomiko: *Laughing with her hand on the back of her head* Hahaha really it's not that great.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: Well, you get customers, it should be fun when people eat and love your cooking,
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Aigomiko: Hmm I do have to admit. It is kinda nice to bring a smile to people's faces.
*She'd innocently smile*
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: Isn't it. I'm merely a caretaker of cats, and they're always happy.
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Sei: Cats are amazing too!
*He'd accidently shout then would blush and look down*

Leafa: Cats are cute but I have terrible allergies.
over a year ago TheAdventGhost said…
Leona: I feel bad for people with allergies, then they can't experience their cuteness,
over a year ago Aigomiko said…
Leafa: Right they're so cute and I can't even pet one.