Stormclan Tanglepaw & Nightpaw r ready to b warriors!!!!!!!!

Moonstorm100 posted on Jun 27, 2010 at 04:23AM
Stormstar lays n center of clearing watching clan's growth with proud green eyes. Then Fireheart approches and i rise to my paws.
"Greeting's Stormstar" he meowed, dipping his head in respect, "I believe my apprentace, Tanglepaw, is ready to become a warrior."
My emerald eyes are unreadable, so he continues, "I no my apprentace is younger then some of the other apprentaces but I think-"
I raised my tail for silence.
"Indeed Fireheart, Tanglepaw is more then ready." I promised him.
For a heartbeat i thought i noticed a flicker of surprise in Firehearts green eyes, that i had agreed to easily, but it ddnt last long and he just dipped his head.
Fireheart began to walk away wen i stopped him in his tracks. "Oh and by the way, tell Skyheart that her apprentace Nightpaw, will be a warrior to."
Fireheart glanced back at me, and as if i read his thoughts i reminded him, "dont forget, Skyhearts out on the mid-day patrol."
Fireheart nodded and asked, "wen shall we hold the cerimony?"
I matched his eyes as i answered, "at dusk, Tanglepaw and Nightpaw will be warrior at Dusk."
He nodded and trotted off leaving me to glance towards the nursery and watch the kits including, Foxkit, Lichenkit, and Sandkit play in peace.

At dusk i called the clan together and began the cerimony. "Tanglepaw and Nightpaw, do you both promise to uphold the warrior code? To protect and defend this clan even at the cost of your own lives?" I asked.
"I do!" both apprentaces said eagerly.
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names! Tanglepaw, from now on you will be called Tanglescar, StarClan honors your loyalty and cleverness! And Nightpaw will now and forever be known as Nightfright, StarClan welcomes your commitment and dedication! StarClan welcomes you both as full warriors of StormClan!
last edited on Jun 27, 2010 at 05:08AM

Stormclan 151 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 151

over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
*glances over at Cinderkit* That all you got? *she taunts, then pounces on Cinderkit*
over a year ago Cinderstar said…
rears up her hind legs then kicks sandkit into the air off her then squirmming upright and hauches her tiny muscles
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
Sandkit lands with a thud but she got back up and crouched down, getting ready to leap for Cinderkit again.
over a year ago Cinderstar said…
Cinderkit pounces before Sandkit had a chance and headbutts her smomach forcing her backward
over a year ago Cinderstar said…
but then trips over her own paws and falls
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
big smile
*purrs* Kits! ~Daisyflower~
over a year ago Edwin3 said…
Stop that before you hurt yourself! ~Swiftbreeze
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
*purrs* Mothers! ~Daisyflower~

*gallopes over to Swiftbreeze* But mommy! I was just about to get her! ~Lichenkit~
over a year ago Edwin3 said…
*shakes head* No excuses! ~Swiftbreeze

*purrs* Swiftbreeze is being a stifler. Cinderkit, you can be her kit. ~Fernsniffer
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
*lashes tail* You mess up all the fun! ~Lichenkit~
over a year ago Mistyflower said…
Oh, Lichenkit. C'mon, I'll show you and Sandkit some battle moves. *drops into hunter's crouch*
over a year ago tanglebelly said…
*Shrugs*You have to listen to her she is your mother..

over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
*glares blindly* I thought Swiftbreeze wanted her kits to stop. It's a nice Offer, Dreampaw, but we really should respect Swiftbreeze's choices, as she IS there mother. ~Daisyflower~

*Aww! C'mon, Swiftbreeze won't mind! ~Lichenkit~

Sure she will. ~Daisyflower~
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
*looks up with pleading eyes* C'mon! Please mommy? We won't get hurt! We'll be EXTRA careful!
over a year ago Mistyflower said…
*looks at kits apologetically* Maybe another time, kits. If Swiftbreeze says it's okay, I'll take you out of camp tomorrow! *licks Lichenkit's ear* After all, Sunfall brought Bluekit out, didn't he? (In Bluestar's Prophecy)
over a year ago Edwin3 said…
*shakes head* Absolutely not! With CREATURES out in the forest? I am NOT going to allow my kits to be taken to a dangerous venture! ~Swiftbreeze

*shakes head* Oh C'mon, Swiftbreeze, I'm sure Dreampaw can handle it. I'll go out with them, if you like? ~Fernsniffer

*glares at young warrior benignly* No. ~Swiftbreeze
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
*aww! Mommy! You're such a pooper! *storms off* ~Lichenkit~

*shakes head* Kits! Don't worry, Swiftbreeze, she'll get over it. ~Daisyflower~
over a year ago flowergirl19 said…
*looks around in confushin* lichenkit dont b mad! it hapens to evry1! --dappleberry
over a year ago ferretandsilt said…
Yeah, Lichenkit, don't worry about it. ~Shrewclaw
over a year ago Edwin3 said…
*places tail around paw* *takes deep breath and hisses to self* Lichenkit! ~Swiftbreeze

*rises to paws* I'll get her! ~Fernsniffer
over a year ago ferretandsilt said…
*shakes head* Let her cool down. ~Steamfur
over a year ago Edwin3 said…
*growls* You tell us to let her go, and she VANISHES! Good job, there, Steamfur! Now try this! *leaps at him with outstretched claws* WHERE IS MY KIT!!!!!! ~Swiftbreeze
over a year ago Moonstorm100 said…
*stairs with cold green eyes at wat happened* kits are not allowed to leave camp, period! Fernsniffer, lead a patrol to follow that kits scent trail n bring her hom! Shes a kit, she hasnt been taught yet which plants disguises her scent n which doesnt! *walks forward until faces Sandkit, Blackkit, Lostkit, and Cinderkit* Kits n apprentaces r not allowed to leave camp without a warrior, remember that kits, its the warrior code!
over a year ago Moonstorm100 said…
*walks over and drags Swiftbreeze off Steamfur, as she flails one of claws shashes the air near my muzzel so i pin her down* I order u to calm down! This is NOT Steamfurs fault! It was Lichenkits idea n wen she gets back she'll b n big trouble! ~Stormstar
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
I'll find her! *runs out to the camp entrance*
over a year ago ThunderCat said…
*preumpts Sandkit at camp entrance sending her with a thud against the ground as i swat her away with claws sheathered* DONT YOU LISTEN! NO MORE KITS ARE TO LEAVE CAMP! ITS AGAINST THE WARRIOR CODE!!!!!!!!!!!! *snarls in furry with fur bristleing, claws unsheathered, looking twice his huge size, and teeth bared in a snarl then glances at Cinderkit with fear in his eyes* ~Duskbreak

*stairs at Duskbreak wide-eyed in fear* ~Foxpaw
over a year ago Mistyflower said…
STOP THAT! *runs between Duskbreak and the kits* What is your problem?! Pardon me, but you can't scare the kits like that! (Dreampaw has a big soft spot for kits lol)
over a year ago Moonstorm100 said…
*walks over and sees whats going on* Dreampaws right, next time somthing like this happens, try to be more gentle with the kits, Duskbreak. However *turns to Dreampaw* Duskbreak IS a warrior, so he has the athority to hav more power then you Dreampaw, and also he was just doing his duty, keeping the kits in camp, he needed to sound kinda tough or the kits might hav just ignored him! You know kits, they think everything is a game! So somtimes they need to be shown that its not. ~Stormstar
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Bluefire7777 said…
its true somtimes the best way to get somthing in there head is to either scare it in or scream it in because just talking to them usally wont do the trick depending on wht kits exactly
over a year ago Cinderstar said…
hey u dont need to scream at me ill listen
over a year ago Blacksun2 said…
whts going on cinderkit?
over a year ago Moonshine321 said…
Hey, who wants to go on a hunting or border patrol? If that's okay with you Stormstar. *bows head*
over a year ago Blacksun2 said…
i do!
over a year ago Pennypatch321 said…
big smile
I want to come!
over a year ago Moonshine321 said…
Lionkit, Sandkit, you two CAN'T come! Only apprentices and warriors can go.
over a year ago Blacksun2 said…
over a year ago Mistyflower said…
I'll come! *pads toward Pricklspots* See you later, kits! *flashes a warning glance at Duskbreak*
over a year ago Moonshine321 said…
Okay! Would you rather go on a border patrol, or go hunting?
over a year ago Mistyflower said…
Hunting. I was never good at borders. *pads out of camp with Pricklespots*
over a year ago Blacksun2 said…
bye dreampaw i hope u feel better!
over a year ago Moonstorm100 said…
Its perfectly fine, Prickelspots, thnxs for asking! *turns to two kits sittin at camp entrace* dont worry kits ur time will come *gives kits a reassuring lick on the head then turns n pads out to catch up with Pricklespots n Dreampaw* ~Stormstar
over a year ago Bluefire7777 said…
shes rite kits
over a year ago Moonshine321 said…
big smile
You'll all be apprentices before you know it!
over a year ago Mistyflower said…
*yawns* Well, appretnice training's gettingg boring! when will I be a warrior?
over a year ago Mistyflower said…
Seriously! When?
over a year ago SoyalaLeisu said…
lol be PATIENT, young one. ~Daisyflower~
over a year ago Edwin3 said…
*purrs* I remember that point in my life. ~Fernsniffer
over a year ago Mistyflower said…
Okay, I'll be patient.

over a year ago tanglebelly said…
ya and maybe sparrowbeak will talk about it with stormstar..

over a year ago Mistyflower said…
*claws the ground* Sparrowbeak is never on, though!
