Soul Eater RP

Charlios posted on Sep 21, 2014 at 07:27PM
Create a Soul Eater OC and make it RP with other OCS

If your Character is a Meister
Classification(ex:2 stars Meister, 1 star Meister):
Looks(you can add a pic if you want):

If your character is a Witch
Animal thème:
Looks(you can add a pic):

If your character is a Weapon
Type of weapon:
Looks(you can still add a pic)

Don't kill others
Don't steal characters
You can have Half-Meister with Half-Weapon or Half-Witch
The Story is based on the anime(cause i didn't finish the manga)
You can add the characters that already exist
And have FUN NYA~~~~~~~~~
Create a Soul Eater OC and make it RP with other OCS

If your Character is a Meister

Soul Eater 436 replies

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Showing Replies 201-250 of 436

over a year ago Charlios said…
Lord Death:Well, the simple fact that Kazuma is deaf and can detect vibrations is amazing, so even if your soul protect was on or off, he would have knowing your a witch, as for how i know, well Kazuma told me.....
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: So.... what are you going to do with me? Are you going to kick me out of DWMA?
*looks sad*
over a year ago Charlios said…
Lord Death:Oh, no no no, your a student of the DWMA, plus, if you were evil, you would have killed someone right? Anyway, you can realease your Soul protect, the whole school is already informed, exepte Maka, Soul, Blackstar, and Kid, because they would have badly reacted
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: But what if the students don't want me here? Maybe.. I should just leave..
over a year ago Charlios said…
Lord Death was about to speak when.......
???:No Clara, don't leave, everyone loves you, you can't leave us
???:That's right, your the best friend on earth, no matter what!
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: Who are you? *turns around*
over a year ago Charlios said…
She sees no one
Lord Death:Umm, Clara? Who are you talking to?
Voice 1:It's ok Clara, don't worry, were friendly
Voice 2:Yes, but only you can hear us, now listen to us and stay at the DWMA
Voice 1:That's right, we'll explain later alright
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: Okay.
*turns to Lord Death*
Clara: Never mind, I'll stay here. Can I still go on the mission with Kazuma and Kimi to find Justin?
over a year ago Charlios said…
Lord Death: Of course, we would need your witch abilities to fight those evil people don't you think?
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon and Shino were up and about in no time and feeling just fine.
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: But I can still use Soul as my weapon, right?
over a year ago Charlios said…
Lord Death:Well I think you should talk to Maka about that, and also maybe, just maybe it wouldn't be a good idea because he's one of the people who weren't informed of you being a witch, but it's your choice, if Soul and Maka refuse, i might let you use Spirit if your ok with it
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
(I can make a weapon partner for her, if you want)

Stein entered the Death Room. "The injured students are bandaged up and are fine."
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
(Please do. :3)
Clara: Oh that's good to hear.
*turns to Lord Death*
Clara: I'll go and talk to Soul and Maka about that.
*walks out of the Death Room*
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
(Preference on gender and weapon?)
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
(It could be any kind of weapon, but can you make her a female? Thanks! ^^)
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
(Will do)
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Name: Ellie Cross

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: She's more a tomboy, getting down and dirty. She does like doing nails and other girl stuff. She's straighforward with her words and call people out on weaknesses and such.

Type of weapon: Spear

Afilitration(s): Clara, DWMA

Statue: Alive

Looks: pic

History: Every generation of her family, there is someone who has the ability to turn in to a weapon. Ellie knew what she was and enrolled in DWMA.
Name: Ellie Cross

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: She's more a tomboy, getting down and
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Her weappon form
Her weappon form
over a year ago Charlios said…
(Cool, but who will play her?)
Kimi:CLARA! *hugs her*
Kazuma:We'll tell Maka, Soul, Blackstar, and Kid soon don't worry about it, and no one will hurt you ok
Kimi:Yeah! I'm still a little scared that is goes like with Kage and So-
Kazuma puts his hand on Kimi's mouth
Kazuma:Don't talk about that you idiot
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
(I will. She's my OC)

Ellie was a student still looking for a partner. All her previous requests were from boys who just wanted to be near her, so she refused.
over a year ago Charlios said…
Meanwhile, with The evil dudes who captured Justin
Garnet:Why do I have to carry him around, your the man here Kirai!
Kirai:Aww come on, he's only 17 and your 29, your strong right?
Garnet:I'm still a girl!
She drops an onconcious(Don't know if i spelled that right) Justin on the ground
Kirai:Were here anyway, the boss will be happy, and we'll have Arachnephobia on our side
Garnet:Yes indeed...... But why did you have to attack that blind girl?
Kirai:For personal reasons, now come on, Arachne and the boss are waiting
Garnet:Could you stop refering to Milady Blake as "the boss" it's impolite
Kirai:Who cares
Kirai takes Justin using levitation and starts walking towards Arachne's castle
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
(Thank you SilverLeo!! :D)
Clara: *hugs Kimi back* I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was planning to but I thought you would hate me. Oh and I talked to Maka and Soul, but they didn't let me use Soul as a weapon. *sighs* I need a weapon.
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"I know a weapon that needs a partner." Leon spoke walking up to them
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kazuma:That would be great, and don't worry Clara, no one hates yo-
He stops
Kimi:Kazuma, What's wrong
Kazuma:A-Ar..... Arachnephobia....... There coming, here!
Then he looks down the hallway
He starts running done the hallway, followed by Kimi
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: Yikes!
*turns to Leon*
Clara: Can you ask the weapon to come and follow us?
*follows Kazuma and Kimi*
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"Wouldnt you like to ask her yourself? She's over there." Shino pointed to Ellie walking by.
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: Yes, but Arachnophobia is here! We need to do something about this!
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"Hey Ellie! Clara here want to ask you something!" Leon shouted.

Ellie walked over, "What?"
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: Hi! Um, are you looking for a meister?
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"I am. Are you a Meister?" She asked
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: Yea... do you want to become partners?
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"Maybe. I need to get a feel for your soul wavelength first. There is one quick way to do that." Ellie said as she transformed into her spear form and kinda hovered infront of Clara.
over a year ago Charlios said…
Meanwhile with Kimi and Kazuma
Kimi:You don't mean....
Kazuma:Yeah, and I think there gonna use Kid as a weapon against us
Kimi:Even if Lord Death loves Kid, I'm still scared that he won't fall for it
Kazuma:They wouldn't be after Kid of they knew that Lord Death wouldn't fall for it Kimi, now we just need to find that symertry freak
Kimi turns around
Kimi:Tbe others didn't follow us....
Kazuma:They didn't detect them, there using magic to protect themselfs
Kimi:And, what about Justin-Kun
Kazuma closes his eyes and focuses
Kazuma:No, he's not with them, whitch gives me an idea, Kimi! Go get Clara and the others, you know what to do
Kimi:Are you sure you can fight without me
Kazuma:No, but I can hold some of them off, now go
Kimi runs back to Clara and the others
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: Um.. I think you should know but..
*whispers in a low voice*
Clara: I'm a witch.
*normal voice again*
Clara: If you don't want me then it's fine. *looks sad*
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"Will you hurry up and grab me! Twirl me around. Its how I can quickly judge your soul wavelength." Ellie didnt seem to care Clara was a witch.
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kimi comes and watches them
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: *looks surprised* Oh, okay.
*grabs Ellie and twirls her*
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
With in their own personal world, Ellie connects with Clara. She appears like herself, but glowling white. "You may be a witch, but I feel no evil in you."
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kimi:Hey guys, don't mean to interupt but some one's life is on the line here
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
*Clara didn't seem to hear Kimi (Sorry Charlios xD)
Clara: Is it official? Are we partners?
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"Yes." She spoke simply. Ellie transformed back into a human
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: Okay! So let's go defeat Arachonphobia and get Justin back!
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"Justin? As in Justin Law, the Death Scythe?" Ellie asked.
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kimi gets mad
over a year ago Charlios said…
Meanwhile with Kazuma, who was outside, facing Giriko and Kirai
Kazuma:Well, well, well, hello Giriko, it's been a while
Giriko:Why you bastard, betraying Arachnephobia...
Kirai:Now that i think of it, you were never with Arachnephobia now were you Kazuma, you were always with the DWMA
Kazuma:Thats right, and for your information, i know your plans, so I won't let you get past me!
Giriko:Oh really? *transforms his leg into a chainsaw* we'll just have to see about that
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
"Where is he!!!?" Leon yelled back.
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kimi:I don't know, but guys......
Kimi starts crying
Kimi cries
Kimi:You don't even care, your all so selfish, why??...... Kid is going to die if we don't do something, and you don't even seem to care....... Kazuma is gonna die too if we don't hurry, why..??....... WHY THE HELL DO YOU NOT CARE!!!!!??? And even Justin-Kun, how can you guys be called students of the DWMA.....
She runs off towards the Death room, still crying
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Shino sighed and ran after her.

"We just found out about Kid and Kazuma and she's pissed at us?" Leon spoke out loud.

"Come on Clara." Ellie said walking off after Kimi
over a year ago Charlios said…
Meanwhile with Kazuma
Giriko was smashing Kazuma to the ground with his saw leg
Giriko:Who's the hero now you idiot, huh?
Kirai:Oh Kazuma, you can save try to save everyone at the DWMA, but who will save you?
Kazuma:SHUT UP, both of you
He grabs Girko's leg, even if the blades were cutting him and he makes Giriko fall down, then goes and punches Kirai in the face
Kazuma:I won't give up, Kimi, Clara, and everyone else at the academy..... I'll fight to protect them, no..... NO MATTER WHAT!!!