Soul Eater RP

Charlios posted on Sep 21, 2014 at 07:27PM
Create a Soul Eater OC and make it RP with other OCS

If your Character is a Meister
Classification(ex:2 stars Meister, 1 star Meister):
Looks(you can add a pic if you want):

If your character is a Witch
Animal thème:
Looks(you can add a pic):

If your character is a Weapon
Type of weapon:
Looks(you can still add a pic)

Don't kill others
Don't steal characters
You can have Half-Meister with Half-Weapon or Half-Witch
The Story is based on the anime(cause i didn't finish the manga)
You can add the characters that already exist
And have FUN NYA~~~~~~~~~
Create a Soul Eater OC and make it RP with other OCS

If your Character is a Meister

Soul Eater 436 replies

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Showing Replies 101-150 of 436

over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Kid: I'll go get it!
*Kid rushes forward to get Brew but then...*
Eruka: I summon Jackson! (The tadpole, remember? :P)
*Jackson appears and goes to get Brew*
over a year ago Charlios said…
(YAY Jackson XD)
He hits Jackson with Kimi and makes it drop Brew
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Eruka: Jackson! Are you okay!
*glares at Kazuma*
Eruka: You'll pay for this!
*throws a bomb at Kazuma*
*While Eruka throws the bomb, Kid got Brew*
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kazuma dodges the bomb
Kazuma:The vibrations of you bomb's explosion are unstable
He lands on the ground and goes to his friends
Kazuma:Alright lets leave
Eruka:Wait! Please take us with you!
Mizune makes a serie of pleading chi's
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon and Shino walked into the Death Room and up to Lord Death.

Shino: We're back Lord Death. We have something to tell you.
over a year ago Charlios said…
Lord Death:Yes what is it?
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon: During our mission, we encountered someone from an organizaion called Aracnophobia.
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
*Back to the tower*
BlackStar: Why on earth would we take you with us? You made fun of the great BlackStar!
Tsubaki: But they might be helpful!
Soul: But they tried to kill us!
Maka: Come on guys! Hurry up and make your decisions! Time is almost running out!
over a year ago Charlios said…
Eruka: Medusa has removed all the snakes inside us, and if she sees that we failed to bring back Brew, she'll implate others, or worse, kill us! So please!
She starts to cry
Eruka:Ribbit I DON'T WANT TO DIE Ribbit
Kazuma stares at her for a moment
Kazuma:Ok, you can come, but at the first sign of betrayal, I chop your head off understood
Eruka glups
Eruka:Yes sir, understood!
Kazuma:Then lets go
Everyone leaves the tornado to meet up with Clara and Crona
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: Um, why are they with you?
*points at Eruka and Mizune*
Maka: They didn't want to get killed by Medusa...
Crona: M-Medusa? I-Is she h-here?
*Clara turns to Eruka*
Clara: Wait, do you know WHY Medusa wants Brew? And do you know where she is?
over a year ago Charlios said…
Eruka:Ribbit, Shes in her base, but I have no idea why she wanted Brew
Kazuma gives a mirror to Maka
Kazuma:Maka, can you give a full report about what happended, I wish i could but the vibrations of Lord Death's voice are really hard to hear when talking to him using a mirror and Kimi is too immature to do it
over a year ago Charlios said…
(To SilverLeo)
Lord Death:Yes i know who they are, what about them?
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Maka: Okay!
*Then Lord Death appears in the mirror*
Maka: Lord Death, we accomplish the mission of getting Brew, but then these two witches (I think Mizune is a witch) wanted to team up with us, and we thought they were useful for getting information about Medusa.
Eruka: Hey! Were you using us?
Maka: So.. what do we do next, Lord Death?
Charlios commented…
(Yeah Mizune is a witch) over a year ago
over a year ago Charlios said…
Lord Death:Bring them with you, now come back to the DWMA quickly
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Maka: Okay.
*So they all went back to DWMA and arrived at the Death Room*
Clara: What did you want us to do here, Lord Death?
*then spots Leon and Shino*
Clara: Hi!
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon: By their appearance around what we did in China, their plans cant be good.

Shino: It would be smart to prepare for the worst. By their recent activity, they have got to be up to something.

Leon: The trouble makers are back.
*he noticed the group*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kazuma:Hey guys, long time no see!
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: Hey! I'm no troublemaker! Unless you were talking about BlackStar.
BlackStar: HEY!
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon: I was refering to all of you expect Maka. She's just a bookworm.
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: That-That's so mean! You don't even know me!
Maka: *smiles sweetly* Thank you Leon! *gives Clara a smirk*
*Clara growls at Maka but doesn't say anything*
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kazuma:Ladies, Ladies your both pretty, now let's get to the point
Lord Death:Yes, now we have Brew, That's a good thing, we Umm "Captured" two witches and got more information about Arachnephobia
For some random reason, Kimi was on top of Lord Death's mirror
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon: Like I said troublemakers. Maka is just guilty by association.
*He smirked at Maka*
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kimi:OH, Maka and Leon, sitting in a tree, K.i.s.s.i.n.g-
Kazuma:That's enough Kimi
He turns to Leon
Kazuma:And Leon, you can't say that I'm a troublemaker that much, I am the most responsible and mature one out of all of us must I say, but Maka, Tsubaki, and Kid are also mature like I am, so please choose your words more carefully
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon: You need to open your ears. You are guilty by association. You hang out with troublemakers.
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kazuma:*sigh* Stop acting like your a great king or something, your at the same rank as all of us
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon: Im well aware. Im far from being a king and Im fine with that.

Shino: *sighs*
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: *turns to Lord Death* So... what are we supposed to do now?
over a year ago Charlios said…
Lord Death:You can go home and take a break
He turns to Eruka and Mizune
Lord Death:As for you two, you will be staying here until I decide what to do with you
Mizune:Chi chi chi......
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: Yes!
*turns to the rest of the group*
Clara: What would you like to do?
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon: Im down for anything that envolves whipping Black*Star's but.
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kazuma:*sigh* How about we go and say a big Thank you to Psyche, who was very helpful
He turns to Leon
Kazuma:And no Leon, there will be no whipping butts understood
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon: Who made you king? If I want to kick someone's butt, I will. Try to stop me.

Shino: *Sighs*
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kazuma sighs
Kazuma:I won't stop you, but..
He turns to Leon with angry eyes
Kazuma:If you dare hurt my friends, I will end you, understood?
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon: They're my friends too, idiot. Im just giving ya a hard time. Lighten up will ya.
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kazuma stares at Leon for a secound before puting his hands on his ears in a way of saying he didn't hear what Leon said
Kazuma:Hey Leon can you say that more clearly, the vibrations on your voice were shakened a bit and your lips were hiden for a secound there
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: Um, guys? Pl-Plz don't argue..
BlackStar: *glares at Leon*
Tsubaki: Stop that glaring, BlackStar!
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kazuma:Anyway, I'm going to see Psyche and tell her Thank you
He starts walking down the hall, followed by Kimi
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon *glares back at Black*Star* You got a problem, Star-boy?
over a year ago Charlios said…
Everyone follows Kazuma(exempte Lord Death and i guess Leon and Shino)
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon and Shino followed them out but they weren't necessarily going with them.
over a year ago Charlios said…
Meanwhile, in the blind fortune teller' shop
???:Psyche, you remember me right?
Psyche:*gasp* N-No, n-not you! Get out of my house you A**hole
???:Psyche! Since when do you swear?
Psyche:I won't say it again, GET OUT
Psyche tries to find the person, but fails
???:Now now Psyche, aren't you in a bad mood today
Psyche:Wha-What do you want from me
The one talking to her grins evily
???:Your life
A huge explosion is heard and seen from every were in Death City
In the rumble, Psyche struggles under a rock
Psyche:You won't.... Get away with this........ Kirai....
Kirai:Oh, but I already have
He laughs evily and disapears
over a year ago Charlios said…
(How Kirai looks like, kinda)
(How Kirai looks like, kinda)
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
*Then they arrived at the shop*
Clara: Hey guys, did you hear an explosion?
Tsubaki; Do you think it came from the fortune teller's shop?
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kazuma:OH NO!!!
The building was destroyed, and Psyche was lying in the rumble, her crystal ball floating above her
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: What happened!? Tell us!
over a year ago SilverLeo said…
Leon and Shino happened to tag along. If there was an explosion, then there might be something to fight.
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
Clara: Come on, Psyche! Tell us! What happened?
over a year ago Charlios said…
Psyche:It..... It happened..... So fast...... That jerk
Kazuma:Who are you talking about
Psyche:A guy...... His name....... His name is Kirai...... He's an......
Psyche passes out
Kazuma:We gotta bring her to the hospital, come on everyone

From on top of the DWMA
Kirai:Well well well, this should be interessting
Nails(Like the ones in his picture) start floating around him and his eyes flash red
Kirai:Let's have some fun
over a year ago rosewinton3055 said…
*At the hospital*
Clara: Is she awake yet?
Tsubaki: I don't think so.
Maka: Is she ever going to wake up?
over a year ago Charlios said…
Kazuma:Maka! We found her stuck in the rubbles of a friggin explosion, don't you think it's normal she's a little knocked out!