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Kevin Williamson Talks Scream 5 & Scream 6!


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I would love SCREAM 5 & 6 be made, but only if they're written by Kevin Williamson from the beginning to the end. I'd hope beyond hope that Wes Craven would direct them but maybe possibly they could do without him if someone just about as good took his place, someone who respected the SCREAM style...And ss long as at least the original cast would remain and as said, the writer would be Williamson himself.

SCREAM 3 proved that it can totally suck if Williamson doesn't write the script. Although I didn't like his idea of the killer either, but...Scream 1, 2 and 4 are brilliant so I have high hopes for the future killers nontheless.

The movie franchise _could_ do without any more parts, the end of Scream 4 works well as the end of everything...But I would hope the team would, in as much the original group as possible, continue the story. I want to see what happens to Sidney at the very end in the canon vision, Kevin Williamson's vision. Someone with her story can't possibly be OK but Williamson' storylines have managed to surprise me every time, so...Would be very interesting.

But oh gosh, NO! Not a TV series! How the hell do you build a working TV series around the SCREAM movies unless it becomes completely seperate entity like "Freddy's Nightmares" in the '80s?
And then, like that one I mentioned, it would probably be in a completely different spirit/style than the movies, so what would be the point other than milking money.

So yeah, I hope SCREAM 5 and 6 will be made by Kevin Williamson, Wes Craven and the original cast. I hope a TV series won't be made. But if the TV series will be made...I'll probably check it out just to do so, but it likely won't be part of my personal canon and it is highly unlikely I'd start frollowing it.
And I really hope they won't use the success of a TV series as any sort of a sign if more movies should be made. They can't be that fucking idiotic. 'Cause it would be entirely different thing from a good quality movie, the fans of the movie franchise could nontheless yearn for more movies even if the TV series flopped miserably.
posted over a year ago.