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11 characters who are now technically Disney princesses

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called 11 characters who are now technically Disney princesses |
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Disney’s over-$52 billion purchase of 20th Century Fox assets means a brand new pantheon of characters have entered the House of Mouse. That means, just like Princess Leia’s recent unofficial coronation into the line of Disney princesses, there are now at least eleven more characters who now technically stand alongside Snow White, Ariel, and Jasmine.
Take that, pedants who constantly loved reminding people that
wasn’t actually a Disney movie — savor your pedantry no longer!
was produced by Fox Animation Studios, a division of 20th Century Fox, which means the Romanov daughter who survived her family’s massacre by the Bolshevik secret police only to fall in love with a hunky, floppy-haired con artist is now a member of the Disney royal family. Sure, the real Anastasia was technically only a Grand Duchess, but that distinction hardly seems important when we can add “Journey to the Past” to all of our Disney princess medleys and count bona fide animated hunk Dimitri as a Disney prince.
Queen Jadis, a.k.a. The White Witch, is a member of the Char royal family, and she’s a queen, which means at one point, she was a princess. So, in addition to almost pulling off white-dreads and cooking up Turkish Delight so delightful it’s worth selling out your family, she technically qualifies. Swinton, who played Jadis in the
films, was already in the Disney universe via her role in Marvel’s
, but now the link is twofold. Counting Evil Queens as former princesses does force us to ask whether the same is true for the Evil Queen in
Metaphorical queens still count, right? Chanel Oberlin is above the law, after all, and she has the fashion sense and air of self-importance that any good princess should have. Out of all of the “Queens” in Kappa Kappa Tau, it’s obvious the only one who could qualify for Disney princesshood is Chanel #1.
She’s the daughter of goddess Athena, and so by Disney rules, if Hercules and Meg count, so does Annabeth.
movie (there was something about tail sex?) but I do know that Zoe Saldana’s character, Neytiri, was the daughter of the leader of the Omaticaya Na’vi clan. I may have checked the Avatar Wikipedia page for that.
She’s in love with the tiny boy who will become the Dayman, and she is not ashamed to sing about it. Dee’s original role, the Coffee Shop Princess, is from
on FX, so by show-within-a-show logic, the character gets to count as a Disney princess, too.
movie, an overly simplistic “prize” for our hero to win along with a completely cringe-y promise for anal sex if he succeeded in his mission. So even though she doesn’t sing, and even though she’s from a country that actually exists, by Disney rules (hey, Merida is from Scotland), Tilde counts as a princess.
I concede that she’s not royalty, and Edward isn’t either, but out of all of the Fox properties,
feels the most fairytale. He was created on top of a mountain by Vincent Price, which is just as dark as a young prince getting transformed into a buffalo monster by a vindictive enchantress, and she’s trying to escape her provincial, suburban existence — Kim is one “I want” song away from a cliché.
I say if badass non-royal Mulan counts, Ellen Ripley should count, too.
Yes, there is an “ape royal family,” and although according to the
the princess is “Oaka,” who is the wife of “Bryn,” the truth is that Cornelia is the real alpha female here and matriarch of the apes.
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