Percabeth!!!!! My Story Forum: Brenna Jackson the sequel to Proposal

greenstergirl posted on May 01, 2011 at 06:44PM
I do not own Percy Jackson. I do not own the Greek Gods. But I do own the many of the other Characters that weren't from the books.

This story is the sequel to Proposal: The entire story of how Percy proposed to Annabeth. Now this is the story after all that happened, the story of their children. But the main character of this peticular story is different.

ENJOY!!!! I will posting only every now and then due to LOTS of school work and family stuff (like chores)

Also I have actually started this story already in the articles of this club but I decided to move them all to this forum.
last edited on May 01, 2011 at 06:47PM

Percabeth!!!!! 164 replies

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over a year ago greenstergirl said…
o and thx
over a year ago greenstergirl said…
Brenna Jackson Chapter 9

I pulled on my jean army capris and black high tops. I shivered, but it wasn’t even near cold. My parents were zonked out asleep across the Poseidon cabin floor, and it looked like Emily and Ethan were too. But I couldn’t see Colby or Krissie anywhere. It was going to be my first day of training, and I was scared out of my pants for myself.

After quietly leaving the Poseidon cabin I walked out into the morning sunshine, the green branches and twigs crunching under my feet. Already Satyrs were up setting up the volleyball court. I pulled out a crumbled piece of paper that my Dad gave me. It read:

Meet your trainers at Zeus’s fist at 5:30 a.m. I will be up at 7. Don’t wear any armor and don’t bring
any weapons.


You’re Dad,

Percy Jackson

I read it out loud perfectly, not being infected by the dyslexia a normal demigod would have. I stuffed it in my pants pocket and jogged down to the large pile of boulders called Zeus’s fist, my ponytail whipping my head.

I finally found the land point, and I saw 6 demigods and a satyr. The satyr was sitting against a tree, chewing on a tin can.

“I thought I was learning from Araxie today.” I said, a little worried about the fact that Zach was there watching me intently, while standing next to the Satyr. I blushed. Uncle Michael seemed like he had never changed, in his tan shorts and blue t-shirt. He had a bottle of sparkling water tied to his pocket.

“Wussup Brenna?” He said to me while patting my head. I smiled up at him, and his green eyes were huge. He looked exactly like Colby, except nicer, taller and blonde hair on his head. Micheal had been captured with my mom before my parents were married.

The araxie girl narrowed her eyes at me. “You’re the next new Olympian?” she said with disgust. I frowned at her, and for the first time I was mad that someone wasn’t happy that I was a goddess.

“Yes.” I said proudly. One girl standing next to Michael got up.

“Hey. I’m Hennacy, daughter of Poseidon.” The girl said. She had white hair and huge green eyes like Michael. Another girl with flaming red hair was also there. “I’m Micheal’s little sister….but apparently I’m older than him. I’m 21.” She said proudly.

The red hair smiled at me as well. “I’m your other aunt, Genisis, but you can call me Jenny. I’m 20.”

“And I should be older than your Dad.” Micheal said, looking annoyed. “But of course, I took up not aging until my this girl was the same age as me. He seemed a bit awkward.

“You asked Zeus to let you stop again until a girl you loved was your same age?” I asked him, confused. “Who’s this…..girl?”

Michael smiled at me with a charming eye. “You should know in a second.” Suddenly, a girl with elvish features and brown hair pulled in a braid popped in out of nowhere. She looked a lot like Conner Stoll and about 19.
“Hey. I’m Alex, Daughter of Hermes.” She said to me while running to Michael. He swooped her up and kissed her before putting her down. My eyes popped, my mouth open.
Araxie tapped her boot to the ground impatiently then cleared her throat. “Okay, I’m starting today but first we need to see what you got. You know, see your fighting level.”

“I’m not very good at….”

Michael interrupted me. “Are you kidding Brenna!!? When you were three you beat your Dad in a sword fight!!”

“I was three remember!? Of course he let me win!! But that’s not the point, I mean I don’t like fighting and this is really weird.” I put my hands on my hips.

“You’re going to get tested and fight us no matter what!!” Araxie said, copying my pout.

“No I won’t and you can’t make me.”

“Shut up. You will.”

“No I won’t witch.”

“Your stubborn.”

“I’m a goddess aren’t I?”

“You want me to stab you?”

“Go for it loser.”

Every sentence we got closer to each other.

Zach looked scared. “Hey guys stop its okay!!”

But of course I didn’t listen.

“Hecate’s a minor goddess so why should I listen to you!!?”

“Cuz I’m older and more powerful!!”

“Oh yea right so because your older means you can boss me around!! I’m going to be a goddess and I could kill you in an instant!!”

“My mother wouldn’t stand for it!!!”

“Well she’s a…….minor….and I’m gonna be a new Olympian!!!”

“Shut up your fricking mouth!!”

“If it wasn’t for my Dad you’d still be undetermined in the Hermes cabin!!”

“Oh that’s it!!”

And she slapped me.

I laughed.

She frowned.

And I slapped her back.

“You will be tested!!!!”

“NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed, slapping her again. A red mark formed on her face. I saw Jenny run out for help followed by the Satyr.

“Guys you need to stop!!” Michael screamed. I pushed him away with a flick of my finger.

“No…..I need to get rid of this garbage on the green grass.” I said smiling, Araxie towering over me.

And then I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Golden blood oozed from my stomach. I stared at it and Araxie did as well. She slowly backed away. I screamed, not in pain, but I rage. I clapped my hands and three boulders began to chase Araxie. She screamed and whipped her wand, stopping the boulders. I let my eyes boil and I felt the noratrax form around her body. The knife slipped from my stomach and the hole was gone. Michael screamed at me, telling me to stop. But I just kept walking towards Araxie as the noratrax got bigger.

“Stop BRENNA STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You’ll kill her!!!!!” Zach screamed. And then I felt someone hit me in the head. I slowly fell to the ground, feeling a bit odd, but not sick. Michael stood above me with his ice sword in hand.

“Brenna….you are such a stubborn child.” He said laughing.” You are so a goddess. You act just like Zeus. Mad over a really stupid thing, and almost killing an innocent girl.”

“I wasn’t killing her!!!” I screamed at him, turning around and getting up from the grass.

“Yes you were. But we won’t test you…..I think we already know how dangerous you can be.” He smiled at Araxie, who was healing scratches with her wounds. I dropped the noratrax.

“Why don’t we start with Alex instead? I think you and Araxie don’t like each other much.” Hon said, while cleaning up the debris with a wave of water.

I sighed, and found myself calming. “Okay.”

After everyone but Alex left, I felt alone and bad. But the feeling faded quickly, I felt actually better that I was able to let the anger get out of me. Alex smiled at me, while explaining how to Teleport. From what I listened to, teleporting is a hard thing to do. It’s really powerful and too much at one time can kill you. She said over time you can teleport other people, but it drains you fast and you usually pass out for days at a time. So I was going to start with teleporting myself.

I stood up straight like she was. Alex’s voice was commanding and firm. She demonstrated a teleportation. She closed her eyes and immediately she was gone and I heard a popping sound, only to find her high in the tree.

“This is a touch sense because you have to feel and touch where you are going. You have to know exactly what it feels like where you are going. So when I was teleporting to the tree I imagined the touch of the rough bark and sticky sap. Then you have to see yourself there. And finally, you have to calm your mind, and let the feeling of the bark flow through you until you open your eyes, and you are there. Understand?”

I nodded. “Okay….Brenna…why don’t you start… going into the tree.” She said reassuringly. I closed my eyes and imagined the feel of the bark and the sticky sap. I calmed my mind, and all I could think of was the seat in the branches, the touch of the leaves. Until I opened my eyes.

I was still standing on the ground.

Alex smiled. “Try again.” I did, and suddenly I felt wind rushing through me, my blood felt like sap. I opened my eyes, and I was sitting on the very highest branch at the top of an oak tree. I could see for miles and miles of camp, all the way to Thalia’s tree and back. Until I remembered one thing.

“ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I yelled down under me. “HOW DO I GET BACK DOWN!!!?”
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Try teleporting back down :-)
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
Lolz!! I love it!!!!!!! Write more soon!!!!!! I just love how u put me in ur story!!!!! I'm 21!!!!!!!! Ya!!!!!!!!!!! I love my additude!!!! Please write more of me in it!!! heheh I just love readin bout me!!!!!!! Post soon!!!! haha I' older then Jen by 1 year!!! ehhehehe

Wait exactly how old is Micheal??
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greenstergirl said…
i will thx
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
I feel so old and...young? Just because I'm young forever doesn't mean I'm still not able to beat you Hon or Jen!
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
Oh shut up!!!!
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
U no its true!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
So im the new bitch...I LOVE HER! Bhahahha! Wow. She's a daughter of Hecate? I think. Idk.
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
What happened in the time spam of Last Olympian and Lost Hero?

Read these stories and find out! :)

over a year ago greenstergirl said…
Brenna Jackson Chapter 10

“What’s next!!!?” I said joyfully to Alex who had now taught me to teleport as far as I needed to. I went to actual GREECE!!!!!!!!!!

She smiled at me, as patient as ever. “Nothing. It’s been 4 hours and you’ve gone through everything I can teach you. It took me my entire life so far to master this technique and you only 4 hours!!! You must be the goddess the prophecy told of after all.” She patted my shoulder. “You have mastered the sense of Touch. You are now one step closer to becoming the goddess of the five senses.” She said, eyes glowing, cheeks red. “I’m proud of you. Brenna, you are strong.”

“What am I learning next?”


“With Blake KELLY!!!!!!!???? The SATYR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????” I screamed, While Alex covered her ears.

“YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She ordered me. “And stop YELLLLLLLLLLLING!!!!!”

“Fine…..” I whispered while getting up.

“He’ll be in here soon.” Alex said, while playing with her little finger knives that blazed. I sat down on a rock and took a breather. As we waited for the late goat boy a thought popped into my head.

“Alex…did you know Misha?” I asked Alex while twirling a strand of my brown hair. She suddenly stopped and looked at me.

“Not really….but Michael did. She died a long time ago….but you say she’s alive. People don’t know what to say about it.” I nodded, not satisfied with the answer still.

“Do you think there is any way for us to get her back from Tarterus?”

Alex frowned, lost in thought for a bit before answering, “Maybe. There are two solutions, killing Kronos forever or having someone else take her place. Zeus is the only one that can free her formally though. But he doesn’t know you’re alive and he doesn’t know that misha’s alive. We can’t tell him or he will kill you, the prophecy said so.” It was quiet for a moment, but then I heard the sound of Blake’s hooves on tree branches. He wobbled in, chewing on a tin can. A girl with silver eyes followed him.

“Hey Brenna.” He said while swallowing the tin can fully. “And this is Anna a daughter of Artemis. Long story. Anyway, she’s going to help me.” I nodded and looked at the girl. She was extremely pretty with auburn hair. I couldn’t stop looking at her odd eyes. She looked about a year older than me. A silver pendant was tied to her ankle and it caught my interest.

“I’m Brenna.” I said not looking up from her eyes.

“I know.” She whispered her voice smooth and crisp. Like an angel’s. It was hard to mistake her for an angel. “We are going to begin, but first we need Blake to stop eating.”

Blake looked up and frowned at her. She pushed him and he grumbled something about moon freaks while stuffing another tin can in his pocket. “Okay Brenna. Let’s sit down and we will begin your taste sense.” We sat down in a circle after Alex left. Anna flicked her hand a ball of silver moonlight appeared. It suddenly became extremely dark around us, and the trees and Zeus’s fist disappeared. The ball of moonlight floated to the middle of our circle. Blake cleared his throat, and began. “I am going to first explain to you what an immortal being or God really is. They are more than just people who can live forever with powers. That’s all people really know. But, they are more than you may think. Gods are immortal beings, people who can live forever and never age. What only some people know is that immortal beings still can be destroyed fully. They can be killed or die, but they always come back to life. The only way for them to be destroyed fully through, forever, never to return, is if their own child or a demigod of the same amount of power stabs them in the heart. Only in the heart, no other way. Gods cannot kill other gods either. And this is an extremely hard task. Many demigods have tried to kill their parents and in doing so have lost their souls to Tarterus or are turned to ash. If they do happen to destroy the god, the person who killed the god will be given their power and become the new god or goddess of their power. Understand?”

I nodded. And he began some more. “So, if you really are a goddess, which we know is true, and then you can never die. Unless someone with the same amount of power as you or some of your children stab you in the heart. That is why it is extremely important we let you train and grow in strength and power every day.”

“And how does immortality have anything to do with taste?” I asked impatiently.

Anna smiled at me. “Taste is actually eating something. And in that case, ambrosia and nectar, the food of the gods. Ambrosia and nectar is a sacred food, which you know. Eating it is a healer to demigods and a normal meal for immortal beings. Having the ability to taste it makes you immortal. So, learning the sense of taste gives you a way to control your immortality. And by controlling it, we mean being any age you want, or learning how to make yourself 8 feet tall, and also learning how to still fit in with the world.”

“I can be 8 ft. tall?” I asked, almost jumping up into the blackness.

Blake laughed. “Not yet. You have to learn how to be any age first. Anna can teach you that, since her mother is in the form of a 12 year old girl. She can’t do it exactly on her own, but she was taught how.” I turned my head to Anna. She stood up and flipped her hair behind her while grabbing the ball of moonlight.

“We need this because it will contact my mother. I will explain it to you. Artemis will show you how. And then you will do it. Perfecting this power will make it extremely easier to change your size.” I boiled inside, I was so excited!! “Okay Brenna, I want you to become a 95 yr. old. And this is how you do it. You have to imagine yourself in that age. And then you have to feel the way it would be if you were older or younger, sense the old skin you would have and the poor eyesight. Understand?” I nodded and stood up straight. I saw myself old and crippled, my skin wrinkly and my eyes hidden behind glasses. My hair greyed in a bun. I was slouched over in a wheelchair, little pink slippers over my wrinkled toes. I opened my yes.

“Okay, show me what it looks like.”

Anna threw the ball of moonlight into the air. As it began to fall she snapped her fingers and we were standing in a field. Artemis was standing next to a wolf. She had silver arrows on her back, and she look significantly exactly like Anna. Their silver eyes both gleamed. “Hello mother.” Anna said awkwardly. Artemis looked at me, nodding then suddenly, her young pale skin changed. It was now wrinkly, and the sight was a horrid thing to watch as her body shrank, then grew, she her skin moving, as if she was mold. I looked away but Blake motioned for me to look. I bared the rest and in front of me was an old lady. Artemis, not saying a word, disappeared and we were in the blackness again. Anna snapped her fingers and we were back at Zeus’s fist.

“Okay Brenna, now do it.” Blake said while pulling out his tin can. I shivered, then imagined the image of Artemis changing and my own old lady figure. I then felt my own self changing, until I opened my eyes. Everything was blurry, and my back ached like the underworld. I felt around my neck and found spectacles, which I moved to the brim of my nose. I could see a bit better.

“Did it work?” I asked them. But I almost screamed at my own voice, it was so old and crackled.

Anna laughed. “It worked all right, grandma.”

“Hey!! I’m no grandma!!” I said as I felt myself changing back. My vision cleared and I looked up at the sky. It was slowly getting dark, and some stars were already appearing. “I am so happy I won’t fully age!” I said, almost laughing. Blake just kept chewing.

“Now imagine yourself 8 feet tall. And that’s it. I’m going to dinner, it starts soon.” Blake said while still chewing. He clopped out and Anna and I were alone.

“Okay, now try it.” Anna said while sitting down on a rock. I followed her orders, and as expected, I was 8 feet tall.

“WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed while stomping my feet. The ground shook. “I’m like a giant!!”

“You are a giant!!” Anna yelled up to me. I laughed and grabbed Anna while slipping her on my shoulder. “Let’s go to dinner and see what everyone else thinks of me being 8 ft. tall.”
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Holy crap growing up gave me patience. Its a miracle xD
Great as always :D
(Might wanna know I just use two daggers. Jen or Hon one of them use the finger knives.)

over a year ago greenstergirl said…
oh crud oh well and sry it is SOOOOOO frickin long
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
*shrugs* I dont mind
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
Awesome I love it pst soon!!!! Ya and don't forget about auntie Hennacey se still lives!!!
over a year ago greenstergirl said…
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
If you were really 8 ft in real life I would be 1 ft 10 in shorter than you so I'd be up to your shoulders. Wow that was random
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
WOW Ur 7"2?????? I'm short!!! Or did I do the Math wrong???
over a year ago greenstergirl said…
no micheal did the math wrong i think. my uncle is 6" 9 with size 15 shoe and he can't fit in his own car.
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
Ok god cuz that's really tall!!!
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
No I might of did my math wrong but I am 6,2.
over a year ago greenstergirl said…
wow that took FOREVER to write i am SO sry

Chapter 11
After dinner I slowly went down to the Poseidon cabin, my mind almost exploding. I was SO tired. Who knew learning to be a goddess took so much work? I finally fell on my bed, breathing heavily with a massive and pounding headache. Jenny came in to help my headache by doing some mind soothing….Poseidon thing….and I was finally able to fall asleep. Thing is, I remember not ever seeing anybody else in the cabin. I remember it being late…


“Misha….my young demigod….why are you so strong? Why can’t you give in? You can trust me. Please….tell me what the new goddess’s weakness is.”

“You don’t…under….understand….don’t you……”

“No…I really don’t. All I understand is that I want the answer to something, and you are going to give it to me. Understand!?!”

“No-no- no….I don’t.” Misha whispered, sobs breaking into her. She bled so much, and more tears began to fall into the odd goblet under her. Kronos pulled out his whip, not caring about the fact that she screamed in pain. And then he struck.


She whispered. “N-no….”


“N…N…..NO!!!!!!!!!!!” Misha screamed while pulling on the iron bands that held her up. The man just laughed. But she didn’t give in. “Soon, you will turn back into a pile of rubbish, just like how you were meant to be. Percy killed you LONG AGO!!! You will go back soon.”

“How do you know?”

“I-I- believe in my goddess.”

“WHAT!? You haven’t even met her in your entire life!! You’ve been considered, ‘dead’ for years!!”

“She will find me.”

“But…remember…I am in my true form right now. Once I find out what her weak point is, destroy her fully before she becomes the goddess she is meant to become, and then destroy that goblet of your tears right there, then I will be fully able to rule. The tears of someone possessed by a titan are as pure as god blood. By catching it in a goblet, then destroying the goblet can only then fully destroy them.”

“SHUT UP WITH YOUR STUPID AND NASTLY LIES!!!!!!!” She screamed again, tears again falling with echoing sounds to the cup. The goblet was now over-flowing with tears.

Kronos then oddly smiled. “Do you know of Jillian…you’re…sister?”

“HOW DARE YOU SPEAK HER NAME!!??!! SHE WAS THE BEST THING THAT EVER BELONGED TO ME!!” Misha yelled, showing the only emotion of hatred.

“Oh do shut up! I get enough of this from that stupid Michael boy. I was going to say…that….if you told me how to get past her boundaries, and what her powers are, I would give you freedom, I would spare your life, Micheal’s life, and the Jillian girls life. I would bring her back. I would also never let any of my monsters hurt you. Zues would never know. You could become a ruler In my court, with Michael. Join me.”

She calmed, her breath deep and painful, like her throat was full of gas. “Why did you think I would know the answers to these things? I’ve never met her, how could I know?”

“Because….years ago…when you were going to help Percy save his love….you saw the future. I know one thing and it is that you saw that future. That day you saw Percy and Annabeth both in chains. But oddly they never were put in chains on your quest. And do you know why? I know you know why. Because you didn’t tell them what you really saw.”

“How in the world do you know this!?!?”

“I can enter my daughter Jesslyn’s mind can’t i? So tell me….what did you really see?”

“I-I-I….I saw Percy and annabeth… an old couple. They were pained, and old, and worked down, not young and lively with love right in front of them. They were old and willing to die. A couple with love wouldn’t be willing to die.”

“Exactly. This was the hint. You KNEW they were going to have children. You KNEW they would want to die. And you KNEW what the future would become. That’s the real reason you were willing to die and take Jesslyn’s place. You were….scared.”

“STOP!!!!!!” Misha screamed with her hair sticky with blood and dirt still. “Please…..”

“You were afraid! You were afraid of what was to come!! You didn’t want to have to do with what you were going to deal with. And you knew what was going to happen, and so everything was even more unbearable. You know what I speak.”

“STOP! I can’t take anymore…..”

“BECAUSE IT’S THE TRUTH AND YOU KNOW IT!!! You gave yourself knowing you would be taken by me and you thought you would die. You didn't know that the burden you had had become even….Bigger.”

“FREE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREE ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL TELL YOU WHAT YOU WANT!!!!! BUT PLEASE…..please…stop…..torturing me…with…these….words.”

“Ahh…so you weren’t beaten down by a weapon. But with words. Now…tell me.” He whispered his eyes eager for what he wanted. She breathed, thinking over and over if this was right. She shook. She ached. And she opened her mouth, about to say unforgivable words.

“Her…her…the…the goddess’s… weakness…is….”



I woke up screaming my little head off, my hair a mess, my pajamas twisted, my blankets almost off the bed, and still no one in the room in the beds where they were supposed to be. Oh, and Zach was sitting on me. One word: AWKWARD!

“ZACH!!” I screamed as I sat up. He jumped off, his black smoke sword in hand. It was cold at the sight, just like Nico’s.

“Good….I got you up. Come on, get dressed. And hurry!!”


“Camp was ambushed….by Kronos followers. He got in camp. He’s looking for you. We have to hide NOW! I’m in charge of protecting you. If you don’t leave camp safely we could all DIE now. Come on!” He said as he passed me my knife and clothes. I grabbed them and he closed his eyes. I changed then pulled on a sweater. My hair was a rat’s nest but Zach just pulled me out of the room, not giving me the chance to brush my hair out. The second I stepped foot outside the entire place seemed to explode my eyes. The pace was in flames, demigods fought everywhere. Apollo children shot their arrows. I saw Anna at the top of a cliff sending silver wolves to attack. Zach pulled my hand strongly, as if my arm popped out, but I was still fine. He jumped over a fallen tree and I did the same. “HURRY!!” He screamed. I nodded.

We ran through fire and muck. Many people fought, but I couldn’t see my parents. We finally reached Thalia’s tree. Zach slowed down and took deep breathes. Alex, Micheal, Hon, Jen and Araxie all looked packed up. “Come on, you ready Brenna?” Hon asked me, her fist pumped up. “This is SO exciting!!” she screamed. Alex frowned.

“We could die right now, and Brenna’s life is at stake. And your…excited?”


Alex rolled her eyes. “Okay guys, everyone hold hands. We need to teleport to the farthest place away from here. NOW.” Alex said sternly, eyeing me as well. I stared. We all held hands in a circle.

“Wait…but…what’s happening? I don’t understand what’s going on!? Where are my parents?” i asked, ripping my arms from the group.

“I’m confused.”

“We’’ll explain Brenna, but we have to leave. Now.” Micheal whispered, his green eyes softly staring into me. I silently yelped, but nodded. I held the hands again.

“Paris, France.” Alex said to me. I nodded. Hon and jen both jumped up and down, but when Alex stared them down they stopped.
I followed Alex’s steps. And we teleported across the world. To Paris, France. Usually I would have been happy. I mean… PARIS!!!!!!!!! But instead all I could think of was Camp.
“okay now explain!!” I said poking Alex. She looked at me with said eyes.
“Brenna….you entire family has been kidnapped by Kronos. Percy and Annabeth are chained to walls.”

‘chained…to…walls” that echoed through my brain. Great. Just great. Misha’s prediction was coming true. What I saw was true. Misha told Kronos my weakness. And now…she’s…free.
over a year ago greenstergirl said…
okay so since i haven't written in a long time u might want to read the past chapters yur choice
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I <3 it :)
over a year ago greenstergirl said…
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!O­h Jillian..............................
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I haven't been reviewing!! Sorry about that!!
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
over a year ago greenstergirl said…
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago greenstergirl said…
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
It was funny
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
big smile
Ok, when I post my next chapter will post your next chapter??????

*puppy dog face*
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
:D I agree with Mike. PLEASE!?
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
Pretty Please???
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
PWETTY PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????­??!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!?­???­???
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
NOW YOU HAVE TO POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

over a year ago lightninggirl said…

post already
the suspense is killing me
your story is soooooooooooooo awesome
over a year ago greenstergirl said…
okokokok i get it i'mma going to go write it now
over a year ago greenstergirl said…

Brenna Jackson chapter 12
I stared at everyone, my eyes filling with tears. I was crying……Flip. I hate it when I cry. Alex stroked my hair and sat next to me. We were in the middle of a park in Paris; the dark night sky was filled with only few twinkling stars. Micheal and Zach sat in a bench looking at a map of Paris, with Hon leaning over their shoulders. I….Misha had been…..set free? Then she must have told Kronos my weakness. So, Jillian must’ve been set free too? I shook my head and stood up. I slowly walked over the bench, my tennis shoes hitting a muddy puddle on the way. A splash me after and soaked my jeans, but I kept walking.

“Uncle Mike….” I whispered, my voice shaking. “I have to…..tell you something important.” He looked up, and smiled at me with his green eyes calming.

“Anything Brenna.” He said, standing up and hugging me. I shook still, and told him everything. My dream. And over it all, his eyes changed. Finally, I burst into tears again and buried my head into his shoulder. He smelled like my Dad, like the ocean breeze. I missed my Dad so much. “Brenna…” He whispered. “It’s okay. I know……we will try as hard as we can to protect you from Kronos sobbed some more, my nose stuffy now. Mike picked me up and lay me on the bench. Alex lay a blanket over me, and I slowly cried myself to sleep.


It was yellow. Everywhere. I searched out for Edyth, my unicorn, but I couldn’t find her anywhere. I cupped my hand and called out to her. I heard her whine, and I ran to the sounds. My white dress made me trip every now and then, but whatever. It’s just a Greek dress. A gold ringlet crown was on top of my hair. Golden metal bands were wrapped around my muscle at the top of my arm, and gold sandals protected my feet. I looked around, my eyes searching for her.
“BRENNA!!” Edyth’s voice screamed, calling out to me. I turned around sharply, putting a rip in the stupid dress. I sighed then ran to her. She lay down with her legs up, her eyes sad. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her, my hands burying themselves into her mane of hair. She nuzzled my back, then moved and looked at me with, and whispered, “Misha needs you.” I nodded knowingly, like I understood, then jumped onto Edyth’s back before she ran out into the plain yellow. And I was suddenly at the edge of the pit of tarterus, with Edyth next to me.

“You know Alex is going to kill me when she finds out I went to the most dangerous place for me in the world.” I said as I grabbed my knife from the sheath under my dress. Edyth rolled her eyes.
“I know. But you’re like me. You are me. We are stubborn, mean, and we honestly get into trouble easily. So whatever!?” she smiled. I laughed then gripped my knife tighter. I looked over to the pit. Misha lay there, Her entire body destroyed. She lay there sobbing her eyes out. I noticed her dark cherry wood wand lay in the mud next to her. Before making sure there were no monsters, Edyth and I ran to her and she looked up. Her dark brown eyes screamed at me.

“NO!!!” She yelled. “LEAVE ME!!!!”

I rolled my eyes and sat down next to her. The clothes that she wore were ripped and destroyed. She looked even more worn down then in all of my visions. “No.” I commanded her, as I pulled up her arm. It sagged, and she didn’t move an inch. “Misha……” I squatted down and looked into her eyes. They were so sad, even stormier, angry, hateful, even fuller of emotion then I ever saw. She was mixed up. “I forgive you.” I whispered my lips almost dry at the words. Because…..I did. She needed to be loved. She needed to be happy. Because all this time, she had been sacrificing. For me. And for her half-brother…Micheal my uncle. And for her sister, Jillian. And for Percy, and for Annabeth. And for everyone. She began to cry, her head falling onto my shoulder.

“Edyth,” I said while pulling Misha up onto Edyth’s back. She lay almost motionless, but I noticed misha smile at me. “I need to wake up now….I think Alex is going to kill me when she finds Misha pops up randomly next to me on the bench.” I laughed out, while stroking her mane.


I woke up…oddly….In a nice clean hotel bed. I smelled…..what was that….Bacon?? I sat up fast, and looked around. A lump was next to me on the other pillow. It was misha, still scarred and bloody. Ahhh…..I pulled my blanket over her head to hide her then got out. I was in my Pajamas….i don’t remember changing. I rubbed my eyes, and just as I was about to open the door, Hon ran in pushing me into a chair.

“GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE’S AWAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Hon screamed before opened the curtains to a large window, where the Eiffel tower stood tall. “Aren’t it pretty?” she asked longingly. Then she snapped. “OKAY! GET DRESSED!!!!! We will be staying locked up in this hotel suite ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL day while we plan out everything and train you again so that you can be ready to go rescue your parents and save the ENTIRE World!!” She screamed, her green eyes sparkling. I rolled my eyes.
“Hyper seaweed girl.” I slowly muttered under my breath. Good thing she didn’t hear me, she was singing the morning song. Hon threw me some clothes and I slipped them on. I brushed my hair out a bit, then followed the singing Hon out to the kitchen where Jen was making Bacon.

“Hey!!! Grab some food Brenna we have a long day today. Mike and Alex just went out for some supplies,” Jen said happily. Zach snored loudly on the couch, and Araxie lay with slobber hanging from her mouth on a sleeping bag by the roaring T.V.

“So….are we staying in this hotel to train me and stuff so we can attack Kronos?” I asked while reaching for some bacon. Hon sat down on top of the table and began switching through channels on T.V.

“Yep. All the surviving Campers ran out here to France. It’s the farthest place we could think of from Camp. They are all in an underground area about 2 hours from here. We are going to train you in the hotel, and then we will drive on down to the base in three days and plan out our attack for stealing back camp. When we are there it’s your job to hide away Kronos for good in Tarterus.”

I gulped down the bacon, almost choking on it. “Uh……that’s….um….great!” Jen laughed at my fear thenpoured some orange juice into a glass cup. “Also, Jen, I have Misha hiding in my bed right now. She’s unconscious.”

Jen spit out the orange juice at the fridge, and stared at me wide eyed. “WHAT!?” Araxie moaned and turned over. I nodded….and explained everything with the sound of SpongeBob on T.V. behind me. Jen followed me back to my bedroom. I pulled down the covers of the bed and Jen covered her mouth in horror at all the bruises, cuts, and blood that covered the daughter of Hecate….and the bed. After 30 minutes we finally woke Misha up.

“Where…..where am I?” she asked, while rubbing her eyes. We pushed her into the shower, then answered her question.
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
O-O WOW.............SIMPLY AMAZING GREENY!!!!!!!!
You really do remember me this time...IM SO FLATTERED!!!!!!!!

JKJKJKJKJKJKJK it's just a line from KH it was fantastically amazing and magically delicious
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
over a year ago greenstergirl said…
hahaha ow thx so i'm writing this other story called the book of Nephi and i haven't posted it on fanpop but i think i will publish it....for real. my mom wants me to really bad? I don't know...what do u guys think???
over a year ago PenelopeWolf1 said…
YES!!!!!! :D
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
Really?? *strokes Wang Fire beard* were can I find it??
over a year ago greenstergirl said…
i said i THINK.....i have to finish WRITING it first. Would you read it...maybe?? wow i bet it won't even pass the line, no one would buy it
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
Don't sell yourself short of something that hasn't been completed