Penguins If You Had A Penguin As A Pet?

lovelife324 posted on Oct 06, 2009 at 01:16AM
Well if I had a penguin as a pet I would build a huge saltwater pool filled with fish. I would also put a litterbox in my room so the penguin can go poop in it. I would buy strings, yarns, and sratching posts for the penguin to play with. I would bond, pet, care for and play with the penguin every day. I would make sure to buy a collar and a small harness for my penguin. The spesies of penguin I would love to have is The Little Blue Penguin. I would get a female and name her Rice.
last edited on Oct 19, 2009 at 02:43PM

Penguins 4 replies

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over a year ago knocktimerico said…
I would love to have a penguin as a pet. It would be fine in the winter here (Chicago winters seem to feel like Antarctica) but I would need to figure out how to take care of it during the summer. I would probably go with an Emperor penguins just because they're soo cute.
over a year ago SJF_Penguin said…
I don’t know how practical having a penguin as a pet would be, but you’ve got to see this video of a King penguin in Japan that is kept for a pet. He waddles down the street with a little backpack and gets fish down at the local market!

This was apparently featured on Animal Planet at one time: link
over a year ago joelemasters said…
big smile
"I don’t know how practical having a penguin as a pet would be, but you’ve got to see this video of a King penguin in Japan that is kept for a pet. He waddles down the street with a little backpack and gets fish down at the local market!" that made my day!!!It's actually illegal sadly to have a penguin as a pet...but i want a emperior penguin named puffin and id walk it around on a leash.PENGUINS WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago AthenaChristina said…
Would luv 2 have one I would cut airholes in my Fridge! LOL!