Penguins of Madagascar EMERGENCY: Life or Death of PoM - YOUR POST IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT

quasomeness posted on Jun 02, 2011 at 11:56PM
This is an extremely important post for the life or death of PoM. We heard rumors of PoM ending after the 3rd season (which is really only half a season).


In order to keep PoM alive, we need to widely advertise it. We need legit ideas, possibly posting a funny viral video that others will spread the word about. We need to spread this idea to people of all ages, children, teens, and adults, especially children and teens.


Your contributions are greatly appreciated and most likely necessary for the survival of PoM.
last edited on Jun 02, 2011 at 11:58PM

Penguins of Madagascar 27 replies

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over a year ago candlefairy_13 said…
But what can I do??
over a year ago evviefoxx said…
Where did you hear these rumors?
over a year ago quasomeness said…
^The post from SJF_Penguin2.

Also, for what you can do, candlefairy_13, here's what would help at this point. We could make ideas on this fourm for ways to advertise PoM. Also, tell other people on Fanpop about this so that they can make contributions also.
over a year ago Penguinangel said…
Dude, I'm sorry, but you gotta drop this. There's no way that we, a whole bunch of random people that only know eachother online, are gonna make a successful PoM video go viral. It's just not gonna happen. It would have to be only one of us that organizes everything; they'd need to find the people, the supplies, get the video made and up on Youtube. This isn't a group activity.

And ontop of that, just about anything we could think of has probably already been done, and better. Even if we somehow make the video, it's not gonna go viral. And if by some even BIGGER miracle it DOES go viral, it's not gonna get the show any more time. When it ends, it ends. I mean, think about all of the other amazing tv shows that ended. When it comes down to it, I think the only way PoM wouldn't be ending so soon is if it was the number 1 show on Nick and if Dreamworks wasn't making those three new shows.

Really don't mean to sound mean, but this just is not going to work, no matter how badly you may want it to.
over a year ago evviefoxx said…
I've just read all of the posts by the Bob Schooley, the producer of POM. It doesn't say it's over yet. If POM's been slow with new episodes, it could be because of the movie that's coming out in the third season. I'll admit that Schooley doesn't sound too positive about it... but it doesn't look hopeless either. It's still too soon to say.
over a year ago candlefairy_13 said…
Can you give a link of his posts, Ms. Evvie?
over a year ago evviefoxx said…
link It IS possible that the show MIGHT be terminated... but there's still a lot of factors to look into. Madagascar 3, that supposed POM movie... a lotta things. He doesn't confirm it... but he doesn't deny the possibility either.
over a year ago quasomeness said…
That's why it's in our hands to make PoM a symbol of US and world culture. By burning it in like Spongebob is right now.

PoM might not survive without help from fans; they're what keeps PoM alive.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago candlefairy_13 said…
Dang! And all he said was all about Kim Possible, and the production for it already ended yeh-years ago, big time.
over a year ago evviefoxx said…
What I remember most about Kim Possible is that they knew ahead of time that it was going to be canceled and they at least gave the series an END end if y'know what I mean. I can only hope they'll do the same courtesy for POM for closure.
over a year ago Colonelpenguin said…
You know what Phineas and Ferb is going to end in a couple of months because of the movie thats coming out but, i really don't like it. So it is okay we can just treasure POM in our hearts they will bring something on Nick we all like but, The fairly odd parents stopped for a couple of years if it's true it might not be over until a couple of years from now
over a year ago SJF_Penguin2 said…
Unfortunately, I have to agree with Penguinangel. Anything that we the fans, unorganized and spread throughout the country and world, can possibly do is extremely limited and would be of minimal impact. More than changing the fate of the show, our efforts would serve to just make ourselves feel a little better for having tried something. It is not a bad thing that we want to do some great thing to save our show, but we have to be objective and honest with ourselves as well.

I certainly wish that things were different, however.
over a year ago quasomeness said…
Yeah, it does suck.
You know, I notice something. Whenever something happens that threatens the security of PoM on Nick, I start out becoming kinda fanboy-ish for about a day or two in a sudden attempt to save the show. Next, I often become depressed or lose passion for the show for about a week. Then I feel better, still in mind that the security of the show is iffy. Also, I think in my head that I might have taken it too far with my posts. They're often somewhat depressing and/or annoying to some.
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over a year ago Icicle1penguin said…
Dude, remain positive! It's not like it ended in the first season. X3
over a year ago EppofangirlXD said…
yeah! I've seen you go through all your moods. But iz okay! i like the spirit! Shine on! We all love PoM.
over a year ago shadowcharmer said…
i could get my friend to make a youtube vid! for advertizing! she made this vid! (she is good at making videos, which is my point.)
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over a year ago egel_0507 said…
^ I like it!
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over a year ago Kinkystar said…
This seems a bit harsh, but let them go in peace! I would hate this show to turn bad because of too many episodes. I hope they'd focus more on them in the Madagascar films, cause there they are much better! Still, I'd hope they could keep them going for another season or two... :(
over a year ago quasomeness said…
Yeah, at this point, all I'm asking is for the show to last for AT LEAST 5 years and be decently popular.
over a year ago Bluepenguin said…
Um, well, here's the problem:

We can make vids and send letters and whatever, but really. That doesn't change the public's opinion. If Kung - Fu Panda, Winx, and the Epic Adventures of Bucket and whatever-his-face is work out as great shows, then they'll have to cut other shows. We're on the list.

So, what can we do? Tell people to watch PoM, that's basically it. :/
over a year ago shadowcharmer said…
the pic.
the pic.
over a year ago quasomeness said…
^That's the thoughts of what we should do. But I'm not sure how it'll be possible. Would it be possible?
over a year ago EppofangirlXD said…
okay. all we needa do if get magic powers and write 'The Penguins Of Madagascar' on every surface of the world.

Eppogirl out!
over a year ago juslikerico said…
Dudes, chill out. PoM is the second best on Nick, so they will cancel the bad shows first.
over a year ago Hijinata said…
I'm really sad to see the show go, I wish it could last a little longer :/ I dont really think we can do much that would be effective, unless we all went to the Dreamworks studio or the Nick Studio in burbank at the same time and striked or something XD
over a year ago quasomeness said…
I guess we all are feeling insecure about if PoM will remain on the air or if it'll remain a sole memory.
over a year ago chatterbox55 said…
I say we should put a project together and make an inspirational video (like with sad songs and stuff) like the ones with the sad dogs but do this with pom and say how heart broken we would be if it were to go.