Penguins of Madagascar skilene:the true or the real?

kowalskielol posted on Oct 16, 2010 at 08:04PM
whatup! so do yo­u t­hin­k t­hat­ sk­ile­ne ­wil­l f­ina­lly­ sh­ow ­up ­som­eda­y? ­yep­ i ­thi­nk ­so.­ so­ le­ts ­whe­igh­ ou­r c­han­ces­. m­arl­ene­ an­d s­kip­per­ se­em ­to ­hav­e s­ome­ ty­pe ­of ­efe­tio­n t­wor­d e­ach­oth­er.­ fr­ien­ds?­ or­ so­met­hin­g m­ore­? o­r i­s i­t t­hat­ sk­ipp­er ­see­ms ­to ­alw­ays­ be­ by­ he­r s­ide­ to­ pr­ote­ct ­her­? b­ut ­mar­len­e s­eem­s t­o n­ot ­tak­e a­dva­tag­e o­f t­hat­ an­d o­nly­ be­ so­mew­hat­ li­kin­g o­f s­kip­per­ in­ a ­lov­ing­ wa­y. ­so ­may­by ­ski­ppe­r l­ike­s m­arl­ene­ bu­t m­arl­ene­ on­ly ­is ­som­e w­hat­ fo­nd ­of ­ski­ppe­r i­ a ­fri­end­y w­ay.­ so­ ev­en ­tha­t,t­hey­ ar­e b­oun­d t­o b­e t­oge­the­r b­eca­use­ of­ th­ere­ st­ron­g f­rie­nds­hip­.ve­ry ­str­ong­ fr­ien­dsh­ip.­ ma­bey­ so­met­hin­g m­ore­. s­o i­ de­cla­re ­it ­is ­a s­imp­le ­opi­nio­n t­hat­ sk­ile­ne ­exi­sts­. 

Penguins of Madagascar 19 replies

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over a year ago fun123fun said…
your right and i read everything u said!!!!! i used a translator

translation sorry its hard to read
whatup! so do y-ou-thi-nk-tha-t s-kil-ene-wi-ll-fin-s-all-y-up-so how-med-ay?-ye-p I-th-ink-so. s-o-l-ets-wh-eig-h o-ur-cha-nce-s.-mar-len-e a-nd-ski-EPP-r s-eem-to-ha-ve-som-e-t ype-of-ef-eti-on-two-rd-eac-hot-her-. f-rie-nds? o-r-s-ome-thi-ng-mor-e?-or-is-it-tha-t s-kip-per-se-ems-t0-al-way-s b e b-y-h-er-sid-e t-o p-rot-ect-he-r?-but-ma-rle-ne-ms-see region-to-believe it or not-ta-ke-adv-ata-ge-of-tha-t a-nd-onl y b-e-s-ome-wha-t l-iki-ng-of-ski-EPP-r I n a-lo-a-vin-g w-ay.-so-ma-yby: sk-ipp-lik-er-es-mar-len-e b-ut-mar-len-e-o nly-is-so-me-wha-t f ond-of-the-sk-ipp-er-IA-fr-ien-dy-way-s-o e.-ven-th-at, the-y-a-re-bou-nd-to-be-tog-eth-er-bec-aus­-e-­f o t-her-e s-tro-ng-fri-end-shi-p. v-ery-st-ron-g f-rie-nds-hip-. m-abe-y s-ome-thi-ng-mor-e.-so-I d-ecl-are-it-is-a-sim-ple-op-ini-on-tha-t s-kil-ene-ex-ist-s. 
over a year ago SPKR689 said…
......i dont want to be mean...but im that jerk that disagrees with done
over a year ago Icicle1penguin said…
^Nah, you're not a jerk! You're just a fan expressing your opinion. :D

over a year ago JediPenguin16 said…
I think it will. I mean in all thier other cartoons, Cindy had Jimmy, Trixie and Tootie had timmy, and they ove to hint at pairings in all thier other shows, why not this one?
over a year ago SPKR689 said…
im just stating somthing here, what about all the people that thought Spongebob and Sandy would be together, there were mnay hints and it never did happen (well i dont even watch tv anymore so idk if this is still true btw i was never a fan of that either) and in iCarly, that had hints but didnt go anywhere yet, with Seddie and Creddie or whatever the names are. sometimes they hint them and they dont work out -.- and somtimes for the worst. but it really depends and can go in a totally different direction then what you thought (kinda like in Madagascar 2, who the heck knew Skipper would like a doll and Melman would like Gloria xD) somtimes, couples arnt ment to be and this could be a big possiblity

now i know someone is gonna dissagree whatever this took 5 freaking mins to write!
over a year ago EppofangirlXD said…
True AND real, I luv skilene
over a year ago Icicle1penguin said…
I agree with you, SPKR689(there, I spelled it right. HAPPY! HUH! Lol, XD),

Dude, if Antonio is her match, then I rather have Julien. And if there IS Julene, I'd rather have Skipper and Julien fight over her. (So let's say...Julien find Skipper as a threat, for no particular reason whatsoever. And Skipper agrees, becuase Julien called him fat. XD)

I still believe that this is the Skilene vs. Julene kinda thing. :)
over a year ago SPKR689 said…
yea i am happy X)

i agree with what Icicle said, even though i dont want to see Skip win XD i feel like he had too many gf and Julien needs a chance. now there have been hints of Skilene i will admit, yet they made Julien Admit that he did like Marlene, now that could be a big story later on, or just Juline in the moment of everything
over a year ago kowalskielol said…
big smile
︿ in spongebob s­and­y a­ns ­spo­nge­bob­ ge­t m­arr­ied­ ( ­wie­rd)
over a year ago kowalskielol said…
i regret this ho­rri­ble­ ty­pe ­of ­typ­e! ­how­ do­ i ­get­ ri­d o­f i­t?
over a year ago kowalskielol said…
i got rid of it! :)
over a year ago Icicle1penguin said…
over a year ago Metallica1147 said…
This forum confuses me
over a year ago Icicle1penguin said…
over a year ago EppofangirlXD said…
over a year ago Icicle1penguin said…
Huzzah again!!!
over a year ago Icicle1penguin said…
Ya know, I think that Even though Julene seems to be most likely, It is possible that they're not ment to be together. (Ya know, I'm gonna compare this with an old show I like because they are sooooo alike!!! SERIOUSLY! & the winning pairing, Leader+Only Girl. XD)

Even though this dude is seriously in love with this person, and the second leader did have his moments, the girl ended up with the leader. XD

Dude seriously in love-Julien
Second leader-Kowalski

And that seriously happened. XD

over a year ago kowalskielol said…
big smile
^ whoa ! coolz!
over a year ago kowalskielol said…
sorry its type of type is wierd,........